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The Long, Horrific National Nightmare Has Finally Ended

April 28th, 2011

Obama finally released his long-form birth certificate. So, now that the document Birthers have said would end this once and for all has been released, they will finally stop their stupid, bizarro conspiracy theories.

Yeah, right.

Maybe Obama sensed that the right wing was reaching a threshold and would soon leave the whole thing behind–but that this action would stoke the flames of interest and resuscitate what is, after all, a great boon for the Democrats.

  1. stevetv
    April 28th, 2011 at 05:35 | #1

    I don’t think he should have released it. No one should be paying these racists any mind. They’ll just find another angle to attack him with (Is it authentic? Why did he wait so long? Etc.) I’m very disappointed.

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