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Cheaters Hate Being Beat Fair and Square

May 12th, 2011

Republican Freshmen are angry at Democrats for continuing to tell people that the Republican plan to end Medicare would end Medicare.

Well, they shouldn’t have voted for it, then, should they have?

Even more incredible, they accuse Democrats of “playing politics” with “MediScare,” trying to gain a political advantage by making people afraid the other party is doing something that would defund the popular Medicare program.

Why is that incredible? Because that is exactly how most of the Freshman GOP pols won their elections in 2010–by making voters afraid that Democrats were going to wreck Medicare with the Affordable Care Act. The main difference: the GOP line in 2010 was a bald-faced lie. The Democrats’ claims today are, if alarmist, mostly accurate and true.

It’s kind of hard to get more hypocritical than this. A group of politicians who rode into office just last year by lying about Medicare are accusing their opponents of playing politics because they are telling the truth about Medicare.

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  1. Troy
    May 12th, 2011 at 16:57 | #1

    Democrat’s claims were entirely accurate.

    You can’t subsidize elder health care with just vouchers. That just raises the going rate of what elder care doctors will charge.

    Plus the division at 1957 puts the real Medicare program on a time limit, as older people die fewer people have that plan so doctors will be more likely to drop out of the Medicare system altogether.

    Republicans are really lying ratfuckers, aren’t they. If the American people are too stupid to see this, c’est la vie.

    I’m really hoping moving to Japan this decade is still in the cards for me, but I have my doubts about Japan, too.

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