Home > The Lighter Side > Fun with Lip-Synching

Fun with Lip-Synching

September 28th, 2011

It’s best if you don’t try to make any sense:

It reminds me of this TNG lip-synch:

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  1. October 1st, 2011 at 23:22 | #1

    I love this. I want Bad Lip Reading to be mandatory for all politicians. Especially Prime Minister Noda. I recoil in disgust every time I see him on TV. Is it just me, or is he especially objectionable, as in, he looks likes an ancient swamp creature? And also, is it just me, or did Rick Perry do a George W. Bush-like exaggeration of the Texas twang and then think better of it and now speaks more like he did before running for president? Also, why does Perry’s hair look like that? So many questions.

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