Home > GOP & The Election, Political Ranting > Absolutely Something Fishy Here

Absolutely Something Fishy Here

November 6th, 2004

This web site chronicles the fact that while one type of voting machine in Florida (E-Touch) recorded similar heightened turnout numbers for both Republicans and Democrats, another voting machine type (Op-Scan) almost universally recorded unbelievable turnout for Republicans–as high as 433% increases–while at the same time had Democratic turnout fall by large amounts–as much as 70%.

The Op-Scan machines made by Diebold and ES&S–both corporations with strong Bush connections–had voter turnout for Republicans increase an average of 135%, while Democratic turnout averaged a 22% decrease. The E-Touch machines recorded a turnout increase of 27% for Republicans, 23% for Democrats.

Sorry, but you can’t tell me that’s a coincidence. While the numbers I am looking at have not been confirmed, this is exactly the kind of thing I mentioned before about evaluating the voting machine results. If these numbers bear out, then this is virtual proof of vote-rigging on the part of Republicans.

Categories: GOP & The Election, Political Ranting Tags: by
  1. political
    November 7th, 2004 at 02:28 | #1

    Great work. Your research has made it to the recommended diaries section over at http://www.dailykos.com


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