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Super Battery?

March 30th, 2005

Just announced from Toshiba, via Mac Rumors: Toshiba has a new battery, available commercially in 2006, which will be able to attain an 80% charge after only one minute of recharging (total recharge would take “a few more minutes”). Furthermore, it will lose only 1% of its capacity in 1,000 charges.

There may be some caveats there, of course: the lossless capacity is likely tested under ideal laboratory conditions, not real-life ones, and no clear mention is made as to how much energy is stored–will it provide for a longer battery usage time? Or will each charge last only half as long as batteries of a similar size today? Are there other problems with it we don’t know about yet?

It has only just been announced and not at all tested; but if its performance can hold up to current batteries, this will turn out to be quite a revolutionary change.

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  1. Troy
    March 31st, 2013 at 11:28 | #1

    funny how these stories never seem to pan out

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