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I Love a Good Thunderstorm

July 3rd, 2006

We just got hit by a massive sudden thundershower. First, there were repeated lightning strikes. One hit very close, and had that awesomely cool 3-second ripping sound before the main, booming peal of thunder, a sound like a mile-long sheet of fabric is being torn. Seconds later, rain is pouring in buckets, along with a small amount of hail, so thick you can see it swirling and pouring in two or three different directions before it hits the ground. Then the sun comes out only a few minutes later, while it is still pouring, heralding the coming end of the rain as the ground is suddenly covered with small, fast-running rivulets and deep puddles where dry ground was just minutes before.

I love weather like that. As long as I am not outside in it. And even then, I still think it’s cool.

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