Leopard Details Posted?
O’Grady’s Powerpage claims to have a detailed preview of some Leopard features on their web site. A few people are already calling it out as fake, but if they are genuine, expect them to be taken down very soon after Apple’s lawyers jump on them. After a brief glance, they certainly do not seem to be complete, if they are real. The information only deals with upgrades to some existing services in OS X (Spotlight and Dashboard mainly, with some details on Safari, and short bullet lists on iChat, Automator, Quicktime, Mail, iCal and Address Book). I say it’s not complete because if that’s all Leopard is, it’ll be a major dud. I’ve got to get ready to leave for my graduation ceremony in about an hour, so I don’t have time to blog on the details right now; just see for yourself. I’ll comment tonight, but by then, I am sure many others will have dissected this thing to a tee.