Mmmm…. Wasaaabi
I like wasabi. I love wasabi snacks. Wasabi sembei (hard, dry rice crackers in a wide variety of forms), and wasabi-flavored potato chips are great. But wasabi peas are the best. The only problem is, I can’t usually find them. In Karuizawa (where apparently wasabi is produced somewhat more than elsewhere) they had some wasabi stuff, including the peas, so I bought some–the larger package shown above at left.
Now, there is a wasabi peas snack sold more widely–that would be the two smaller triangular packs on the right. The only problem is, half the packages are wasabi peas, which are great, and half are wasabi lima beans, which are okay but less desirable.
If you haven’t had these before, give ’em a try. They’re great. And if you know where to get the peas only in Tokyo, drop a comment and let me know.