Home > Mac News > TubePort?


September 12th, 2006

TUAW claims to have the agenda for tomorrow morning’s Apple event. Included in the highlights are the Movie Download store, the widescreen video iPod, and something called “TubePort,” which appears to be simply a USB-to-TV converter, performing the same function as a VGA-to-TV or video-minijack-to-TV converter.

Frankly, I’m doubtful; as described, “TubePort” would simply do for $100 what a simple $20 cable would do today, not to mention that “TubePort” is an incredibly lame-sounding name. And to save that for the “one more thing” spot when the video iPod is in the mix, well, it doesn’t ring true.

I’m still hoping for the video iPod, and the movie download store seems like a lock. If there’s a third thing, it’ll probably be Apple’s long-rumored media box which connects the computer to all of your AV equipment in the house, the “media jukebox.” Definitely something connected to the movie download bit.

The “agenda” also includes a movie download price structure which, in addition to a $15 movie download, includes a $20 price point for full-sized movie plus video iPod version. While this sounds very much like what the movie studios want, it is definitely not an Apple-like idea.

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