Live from Takanoya, It’s Arts Day 2006
Every year, my college has an Arts festival in early November. It’s a 4-day weekend for the school (tomorrow is Culture Day), and so we celebrate by getting many of the students to show off their talents by singing, dancing, and performing in various arts media. My own contribution is to edit together a 15~20-minute video to start off the festival; this was the 4th consecutive year I’ve done this.
I am blogging this live from the (appropriately named) “live house” where we hold the festival; for some reason, they have a high-speed Wi-Fi node here, so I can blog as the festival progresses. I won’t do too much, but perhaps a few times I’ll give an update on what’s going on.
The video featured a parody of the TV show “24” along with some other musical bits
The first group, “Mediterranean”
Roger & Friends–this friend is Miyuki, a very talented student and a great singer
Roger & his other friend, Masa
Masa going solo
My setup for showing the video
More later…