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Kasai Rinkai

November 3rd, 2006

I haven’t been birdwatching much in the past three months–other things on my plate, as it were. But I had a chance to get back to it, a bit, with Sachi today, as we went to Kasai Rinkai Park. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my zoom lens, so the photos aren’t very good–but then again, today’s visit was less about photographing and more about enjoying.

However, I do think I might head back, maybe on Monday; there seemed to be a lot of good birds around. One blind was crowded with birders, as a Eurasian Jay had made an appearance; I’m sorry I missed it, but then again, without the telephoto, I wouldn’t have been able to get a good shot of it anyway. Other uncommon birds were in attendance as well, but even without hours of waiting and superior photographic equipment, Sachi and I still saw a long list of birds, including Snipes, Azure-winged Magpies, a Kingfisher, Coots, a variety of ducks (though they aren’t there in full numbers yet), as well as the usual Egrets, Herons, Bulbuls, Starlings and so forth. A good dozen and a half species that we could identify, at least.

A few I was able to get shots of: a Bull-headed Shrike…


That Kingfisher in action (lower right, see lower shot for detail)



And something I thought was a Goldeneye, until I saw the detail on my computer at home–and figured that it must be a female Greater Scaup, still not too common a sight (but a lot less rare than the Goldeneye).



Let me end with this unusually tall photo of an Egret on the shore at sunset.


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