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How to Scare the Crap out of Aliens

November 16th, 2006


In a publicity move (it’s working, people like me are talking about it), KFC has created an image of Colonel Sanders in the Nevada desert near Area 51; the image is big enough, they claim, to be visible from space:

The KFC Corp. on Tuesday launched a rebranding campaign with an 87,500 square-foot image of Colonel Sanders in the Nevada desert which the company says makes Kentucky Fried Chicken the world’s first brand visible from space.

“If there are extraterrestrials in outer space, KFC wants to become their restaurant of choice,” KFC President Gregg Dedrick said in a statement.

Har! That’s funny! Do you feel like getting some lard-saturated poultry for dinner now?

So as not to be a total shill for a Pepsi subsidiary, a guy once told me that Colonel Sanders was a pederast.


I also am told that the above is a publicity stunt pulled off by General Zorg’s Cydonian Fried Thoats.

Mmmm… thoats.

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  1. November 16th, 2006 at 10:46 | #1

    “I also am told that the above is a publicity stunt pulled off by General Zorg’s Cydonian Fried Thoats.

    Mmmm… thoats.”

    *gasps for air* The bill is in the mail for the coffee I almost spit on my monitor.

  2. Luis
    November 16th, 2006 at 10:50 | #2

    The management does not take responsibility for coffee, milk, soda, or any jelly-filled sandwiches or pastries passed through the nasal cavities due to the content of this site.

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