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November 16th, 2006

This from MyDD:

Democrats took nine legislative chambers, and lost none. The gains came in Indiana (House), Iowa (House and Senate), Michigan (House), Minnesota (House), New Hampshire (House and Senate), Oregon (House), and Wisconsin (Senate).

My take: Republicans have been shameless and unapologetic in how they redistrict states in non-census years. If this is upheld by the courts, then Democrats should do the same. Indiana and Iowa would be important places to make such changes, as would be Michigan.

Frankly, I think that redistricting nationwide should follow a strictly random, mathematical formula designed to be geographic and not political in nature. But until that day arrives, Democrats would be fools not to be as vociferous about redistricting as the Republicans are. I am not one to advocate unilateral disarmament in a battle where the other side goes to the greatest lengths to bend and break laws, rules and traditions to their favor. If a strategy is legal, then we should also do it. With the GOP playing the cards, if they control most state houses, they will simply latch on to that control and run with it–as we have seen. But, when we have an advantage, the Republicans will cry foul and demand a fairness measure–then we can implement it. If it is incumbent upon us to sacrifice our control in order to make the change for fairness, then so be it. That’s how it has played before, and it likely will not change. But it must be bilateral, else the Republicans will never stop with the shenanigans.

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