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More Birds

December 16th, 2006

I revisited Bayfront Park, but also went on to the Ravenswood Preserve and the Palo Alto Municipal Airport preserve. Tons and tons of birds, and some interesting ones today.

First, there was a Bufflehead at Bayfront. Not the most amazing-looking bird, but a really great name.



Here’s a bird from yesterday, but a nice shot of one: a Greater Yellowlegs:

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Click for larger image

There were also more ordinary crows in attendance:

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And among a flock of blackbirds, a Red-winged Blackbird:

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Here is a neat new bird: a Cinnamon Teal:

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There were quite a few sandpipers resting in groups, seen here along one Green-winged Teal who snuck in:



And a squirrel to break up the birds:


Here is a bird, possibly a flycatcher, which I could not definitely ID:

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Here is a nice view of a White-crowned Sparrow:

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And a sparrow I could not identify readily:

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But one of the nicer birds I saw was at the Ravenswood Preserve near East Palo Alto, a lonely road out by the bay; a sharp burst of yellow, in the form of a Townsend’s Warbler:

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There were a lot of interesting passerines out there; this one might be a Hutton’s Vireo:

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And this might be a Field Sparrow:

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A real surprise was a Ring-necked Pheasant that suddenly popped up as I was leaving:

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That should do for now. There are more bird shots, but I’ll leave those for a bit later.

Categories: Birdwatching, Uncategorized Tags: by
  1. ykw
    December 17th, 2006 at 03:43 | #1

    If one goes to


    and selects Birds and Period All, then they can get a list of top rated bird photos, which is kind of a neat way of seeing nice bird photos. Many of the top rated ones show dramatic scenes. Some show dramatic colors. What does it take to get dramatic colors and clarity? Can one do that w/ a regular digital camera?

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