I went to Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park a little bit ago. I don’t know about the claim that December to February are the best birding months. I’ve heard people say that, and I did miss the first two months of that… but if February is any indication, I haven’t been missing much. Though I am focusing more on waterfowl, and maybe I should be looking for passerines much more. But there were a few birds there which provided interesting shots.
A Mejiro (Japanese White-Eye) in flight.
Common Buzzards at a distance. The second one is to the left of the first, very hard to see. Can you pick it out?
A Common Sandpiper came close.
An Oriental Turtledove, even closer. A beautiful bird, the Turtledove. Lovely plumage.
This photo just struck me as funny. The Cormorant drying off, the ducks on one foot, and the gull ducking. A lot of little stuff in a small arc.
And a Little Egret posing among the ducks.