
March 3rd, 2007

The one day.

The one day when I am able to sleep in. When I have been getting only four or five hours’ sleep for the past week. As if it’s not hard enough to stay asleep when they have construction going on in my building’s parking lot (why always early on a weekend? It’s dead quiet weekday mornings).

But the one day I can sleep all I wantThat’s when the Jesus freak comes to my door early in the morning and rings the doorbell. Now with all the construction noise that I could have slept through, I have zero chance of getting back to sleep.

That does it. I’m worshipping Xenu from now on. At least his adherents let you get a good night’s sleep once in a while.

Categories: The Lighter Side Tags: by
  1. March 4th, 2007 at 12:32 | #1

    Luis…I’ll be your auditor today…*hands you two tin cans connected by a string* ok, you look like your Thetan level is pretty low…that’ll be $3995.00.

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