Surge in the Wrong Direction
Example of Conservative Revisionism, Part CCXVII:
Last November, the American people said they were frustrated and wanted a change in our strategy in Iraq. I listened. Today, General David Petraeus is carrying out a strategy that is dramatically different from our previous course.
You gotta give him credit for cajones, telling the American people what they meant, when it is in direct opposition to what they meant. America voted to get us out of Iraq, not deeper in. But this is the government we have to deal with: deaf to anything but their own fantasies and desires.
Meanwhile, some idiot officer speaking out against the Tillman family said that their problem was not that the military lied to them and used their son’s death as a propaganda tool, but rather because they are atheists and the absence of a Christian faith causes them to see their late son as nothing more than “worm dirt.”
And even more Republican Eloquence, this time from candidate Giuliani:
If any Republican is elected president —- and I think obviously I would be the best at this —- we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it.
He added that a Democratic president would put the country on “defense,” and would invite another terrorist attack.
Um… yeah, right. Because 9/11, after all, happened on the watch of a Democr… oh, wait. Well, after all, it isn’t like the Clinton administration successfully beat the Millennium terror attack (remember that one, the one that didn’t happen?) by using their strategy of collecting and successfully interpreting intelligence, or that the Republican president Bush immediately disassembled, allowing 9/11 to happen. It’s not like Bush completely failed in Afghanistan, allowing al Qaeda to survive and then going to war wastefully in Iraq, causing al Qaeda to thrive, right? It’s not like they put off the 9/11 Commission as long as they could, and then largely ignored their recommendations, is it? It’s not like Giuliani himself, after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, put the emergency response headquarters inside the World Trade Center, against the advice and warnings of others, right?
For Giuliani to say such things is the height of hypocrisy, and yet more revisionism.
You gotta give him credit for cajones, telling the American people what they meant, when it is in direct opposition to what they meant. America voted to get us out of Iraq, not deeper in. But this is the government we have to deal with: deaf to anything but their own fantasies and desires.
Maybe you voted for Dems in order to take the troops out of Iraq, but there weren’t many candidates that actually campaigned on that specific premise. So you voted on an assumption. It certainly couldn’t have been based on any particular promises, that’s for sure (a few candidates excepted). In any event, it’s a ridiculous way to vote.