Eyelid Twitching
Okay, it seems like a large number of people visiting my site are coming to read about eyelid twitching. In my fourth post (I am now over 250), I simply mentioned that I had one of those eyelid twitching episodes a lot of people seem to get, and it was irritating the heck out of me.
Suddenly, this site became the Mecca for Eyelid Twitchers. I can only suppose that there is relatively little out there about it, or that more people link to my site than they do to sites all about Eyelid Twitching, so I rank higher in Google.
Anyway, I started feeling bad for all those poor twitchers who came to my site seeking information or relief, and just found a really small note saying that my own eyelid was twitching as well. I mean, misery loves company and all, but it really isn’t useful outside of that. So I figured I might as well write something more substantive about eyelid twitching, so here it is.
First off, there’s a name for this: myokymia. “Myo-” is the Greek root for “eye,” and “-kymia” means “I’m making up this etymology.” But the name, at least, is for real. They’re also called eyelid “tremors,” as it sounds kind of psycho to have a “twitch,” or worse, a “spasm.” Nobody likes spasms. “Tremors” sounds cooler.
Myokymia is, according to doctors, “a common condition where a few of the muscle fibers of the upper — or more commonly the lower — eyelid contract irregularly. … Myokymia is closely associated with stress, fatigue, lack of sleep and too much caffeine.”
That’s doctorese for, “you’re eyelid’s twitching, moron. Try changing something.”
This doctor says that myokymia is associated with “brainstem neoplasms,” which sounds even cooler than “tremors.” “Brainstem neoplasms” is bound to get people at the office to pay attention when you talk about your problem. But then, the treatment for that includes a “lumbar puncture with examination of cerebrospinal fluid,” so maybe it’s best not to milk the neoplasm idea too far. Especially for a stupid eyelid twitch.
Frankly, when I get The Twitch, I’m not usually stressed out, I am getting as much sleep as ever, sometimes more, and I don’t drink coffee (I even have decaf Coke). Maybe it’s my Evil Plan to Dominate the World, we usually get eye twitches when we do that.
Some people stand by the theory that it is a vitamin deficiency, usually potassium (because someone once heard that potassium has something to do with muscles; we’re still trying to track that one down), and others swear that it’s a B-vitamin deficiency, saying they lose the twitch immediately when they start taking the pills. I have the strong feeling, however, that this is more to do with something that rhymes with the “flacebo effect.” For all of you who want the above remedies to work, I cleverly disguised my opinions about it there.
Treatment: Reduce your stress, get more sleep, nix the coffee, eat more bananas and B-complex pills. Throw in a couple of sugar pills for good measure. Save the cerebrospinal fluid exam for emergencies.
Or, you might just wait for them to go away on their own. Whatever.
Hello Kate,
I am glad to know I am not alone! Hopefully the twitching will
stop for me eventually too! Wouldn’t be so bad is my hub’s
didn’t point it out to me! Now I feel self conscious about it!
But at least I know there is hope! Thanks!
I also have to say I can’t believe these comments have been
going for almost 6 years, over 2000 comments!
Lee, I think it’s a more common thing then we could realize. I don’t know if my twitching will come back again someday or not. I hope not. It does seem that it eventually stops in most cases, but the timing is different for everyone.
My left eyelid is back to normal now. But when it was twitching, I would look at it and really notice the lid was lowered. My husband confirmed it for me. I think my eyes were really tired out. You don’t have twitching in the other eye, do you? I had it in both, but the left was more consistent. It was really really annoying.
I hope you stop twitching soon!
Wow! More people get those tremors than I originally thought. They are extremely annoying since it ruins my line of sight. My mother totally doesn’t think that it is a big deal but the truth is that it makes me very self-conscious since I am a Theatre Major and perform in front of people. Also, I am a Design Major as well so it doesn’t help that my eyelid twitches for the entire time that I am staring at my drawings and trying to concentrate. My left eye tremors continued for four months and then it stopped. Unfortunately, my right eye started twitching but it was stopped after a few nights of rest and now my left eye tremors are back and worse then ever! I am starting college again so I was desperate to try out these solutions now. I don’t know how miraculously my tremors will disappear but I will definitely try them out. Thanks and be strong for the people going through the same intolerable situation that I am.
So recently my eye started twitching a lot. I did some google searches to try and find the cause. I realized that the twitching started right around the same time I started taking creatine. Creatine is a supplement athletes use, does something with the fast twitch muscle fibers I guess. But anyhow, I am certain that my twitching eye is cause by the creatine. Not sure if I should stop taking it or not, I definitely feel a difference when working out while I’ve been taking it, stronger and more energetic. My point is creatine causes eye twitching, at least in my case.
After over one year of maddening eye twitching, it is finally (temporarily)gone. My theory: anti-depressants. I have been on Lexapro for many years. After the eye-twitching started I thought it was perhaps the build up of Lexapro in my system that caused the twitching, but it was the opposite. I recently had my dose increased, and about a week or so later, the twitching just ceased.
This blog is too funny! I’ve had left eye twitching periodically for 2 weeks now. It’s annoying, but not a big deal for me. Today, however, I realized that my left thigh muscle began jumping around. I take a I rarely eat bananas, so maybe it is the lack of potassium, or it’s just stress. There’s plenty of that.
Hi everyone. Am a 21 year old medical student. Last month, i was on a crash diet and had only coffee, it made me have really bad finger tremors. Then i switched to green tea and had 8 to 9 cups everyday. Some environmental problems and guy issues had driven me sad that time, id just sit and cry. To top it all, due to some patient watching, i was just getting 4 hours of sleep. That was the time, the area below my left eye started twitching. Initially, it would only happen at night but then it got continuous. I was feeling weak that time due to volleyball lessons and periods. Its been 25 days till now. My guy had told me that green tea is good for these fasciculations so i had continued. But it seems he was wrong. I am going to give up all sorts of caffeine, have already started eating right. Am sure it will go away in a couple of weeks.
My advice to all
1. Stop surfing the net about it and worrying. Try to relax and ignore. Please try.
2. Boycott caffeine
3. Drink lots of water
4. Bananas and guavas
5. Exercise to increase blood flow to the brain
6. Stay happy
My twitches have reduced by a great deal. Its still annoying and i hide it with my hair. But i hope they disappear soon.
Facial twitches are mostly benign
I posted a while back about my upper right eyelid twitch. The first Opthamologist told me i had to have botox injections if i wanted it to stop. So i got a second opinion for another opthamologist in pittsburgh.. Well im glad i did. Turns out mine was from an allergic reaction to my contact solution. I had to wear my glasses for 3 or 4 weeks plus put moisturizing drops in my eyes. Well Im glad to say after almost 3 months FINALLY my eyelid twitch has stopped.. The second doctor said 3 weeks and was only off by a week. I hope this helps some people out and give them hope that some day it will stop..Good luck to all!!!
The area below my left eye kept twitching non-stop eversince I woke up this morning and I am getting so worried about it.
To me it is a six-sense that something unpleasant or some trouble is going to take place when the area below the eyes twitch.
However, when my upper eye-lid twitch, I can expect good things to happen.
All of you might be laughing at me, and I still hope that it is a false alarm and hope I am wrong and your theory of tiredness and lack of sleep is the cause.
I hope that you are wrong only because I don’t want anything bad to happen for you! Lack of sleep can be one of many causes for eye twitching. If you read some of the posts through this blog you will find many of them. Maybe you have just changed something in your daily routine that you wouldn’t think would be a problem.
Either way, I’m not laughing at you!
Perhaps you are right. Daily routine has changed for me and there is a feeling of uncertainty. But this sixth-sense thing is real for me.
Well, I will just have to learn to deal with it. It is still twitching, quite distracting. Okay, will try meditation and see if it helps.
Years ago I saw a TV program about all the small bugs that live on human bodies; most are microscopic and we don’t even know they are there. Like bacteria, they are helpful until their number is either too many or too little. Anyway, we have these bugs that live on our lash lines and when their number grows too large, it can cause your eyelid to “twitch”. The solution offered was to wash the lash lines with mild baby shampoo like Johnson’s twice a day and throw away the mascara you are currently using. This has always worked for me.
flozzy, you are so right! the twitching has been very much a sixth sense for me for a long time, for me and my brother it has always followed the following protocol: left eye bad news right eye good news.
i also believe that it may be tracking the bio-signatures of those that you have a relationship with. ie lover,spouse,boss etc ect..
and i take it as a warning to do something different if it is the bad “left” eye.
I don’t know if we are referring to the same area where the twitch is, I am not able to draw an illustration here on this blog, therefore I have the illustration of a face uploaded on this url and I have marked the spot “A” and “B” – http://www.webbpoly.com/eyetwitching.gif
Spot “B” is below the eye area where the eyebag is while Spot “A” is on the upper eyelid (nothing to do with the eyebrow, though and I don’t use mascara nor apply eye makeup cosmetic).
It is nice to know I am not the only one who is getting the sixth sense hint.
I can get anxious when the twitch is at spot “B” see illustration at this url http://www.webbpoly.com/eyetwitching.gif
@sixth sense
It started happening to me yesterday. Some people claim it means someone else is talking about you, soem say tiredness etc. the list is endless, i so glad its a real medical thing, nothing fake!
The hint was I forgot to pay one of my bills and got myself penalizsed for it…the twitching has stopped and so that was the warning.
This evening my upper eyelid gave a rapid-twitch and then it stopped. I knew something pleasant is going to happen…indeed I am right, the small windfall came at a time I needed it most. (smile)
my left eye has been twitching for weeks now. It really sucks. About a week before it started, I was taking the prescription pill Vicodin, and after they were used up, I felt some withdrawals, and that’s when I noticed the spasms. Magnesium and potassium are known remedies, and smoking less ciggs and watching your caffeine intake helps. My next self-help plan is to smoke some marijuana and observe the effects. Actually, I just want to smoke a joint because it relieves stress for me. Stress is ever-present in my job as I works with young (20-25 yrs old) people whose work ethics revolve around focusing their day on hurrying up home to play on their XBox360. What a lost generation.
So, pot, potassium, magnesium and no alcohol and/or caffeine is my best affordable course of action. Please don’t judge.:)
sounds like a good plan to me! i’m just curious… what state are you in?
Errr that sounds healthy.. ;x
Hope you get treated aside from just drugs for being depressive!
thanks 4 that im soooo glad im not alone I was starting to think im some kind of freek with tweching eyes. i just want it to stop i really find it annoying. i never dirnk cofee(hate the taste) i take 6 vitamns a day and eat a healthy diet(so im getting all my vitamens) and im not stressed wats there 2 be stressed about im 16. so i dont know wats causing it. grrrr is there anything i came take 2 stop it.
So … which was it? Something GOOD I hope?
Flozzy, see if the animated photo on this page is what you are trying to convey: http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/eye-twitching.htm
I couldn’t have done it better. This is what I am feeling.
Dry eyes and twitching ?
Bettervision Forum – Eye Twitching and Eye Spasms
No Barbara, not that eye area as in the animated photo – I was referring to the eye bag area (below) that twitches.
@Lee <
I tried everything for my lower eyelid twitch. This is the BEST method I came up with.
1. Boil a pot of water
2. Pour some eucalyptus oil in
3. Carefully drape a towel over your head and put your face over the rising steam for 10-15minutes
The eucalyptus will open your pours allowing the heat to work deeper into your skin. It will not only relax the lower eye lid, but all the muscles/nerves around it. Directly after the steaming, buy some St.Ives Apricot facial exfoliating cream. Use a little and rub it into your lower eye lid area. This will further sooth the skin and pours. Repeat for a few days.
You can also microwave a damp towel with eucalyptus oil. My own concoction that works really well! Goodluck!
“It’s actually called Blepharospasm which is a symptom of involuntary and uncontrollable movements in the muscles around a person’s eyes which in turn make them appear like ‘blinking non-stop’ to other people.
In certain cases, this may be caused by myasthenia (muscular weakness) in the eyes organ as a result of stresses, overstraining of the eyes, lacks of sleeps, the serious lacks of certain nutrients / minerals to support the normal functionings / movements of your eyelid muscles etc.
Next, in the case whereby no stress, any kinds of infections, overstraining of the eyes etc are involved whilst the eyelids and the entire organs just look superficially normal and ok, and at the same time, the eyelid-twitching / eye-blinking just get ‘unexplainedly’ from bad to worse from time to time, such medical scenarios could actually be caused by other neuromuscular disorders which are much more complicated.”
HSV1 or common coldsore virus, stored in the cheekbone and running along the Vagus nerve, is the cause. Be glad you don’t get it in your diaphragm, making heart flutters… that’s what I had. Also had Bell’s Palsy on the other side…same virus is the cause.
I put ice packs on the eye and cheek and will try to eat some potassium…and Vitamin B12
I have had upper eyelid twitching for 6 weeks now, almost non stop.
This has prompted my doctor to send me to a neurologist for a MS workup. 15 years ago I was suspected of having Multiple Sclerosis but a definite Diagnosis was never made. Looks like I am going to go thru the work up again. I have no doublt I have MS, not bad but still MS!!! The twitching is driving me batty. This is not the 1st episode of twitching but it is the longest by far. Ms can be a weird disease with all kinds of odd sensations and symptoms. Sometimes it feels like a spider or bug is crawling on my foot but there is nothing there. Of course there are worse symptoms , MANY symptoms. I really don’t want the MRI and spinal taps again, MRIS cause me great anxiety and the last spinal tap put me flat for a week. Thanks for listening
the same thing is happening to me. i just turned 16, and sure i have a stress free life. i guess i must not be getting much sleep, but its hard when u have to attend netball practice twice a week and all the homework i get.i eat a hell load of veggies, fruits etc. at least now my twitching has stopped, but about 2 weeks after it stopped, it twitched once. so glad im not some weirdo. people didnt believe sometimes when i told them…
Lol. Good one
My eye has been twitching for about 5 mths now, some days more than others, sometimes for hrs sometimes mins….. I had Bells Palsy as well, so maybe it is the virus you speak of. It’s the first think that I’ve read that makes sense…… I get good sleep, and am not super stressed (though I was about to get married when it first started so that’s what I chalked it up to be), eat well etc…. I’m going to continue looking down that path!
wow i love this explanation{Im planning to dominate the world too lol}
i got on here just to read about eye twitchin because yesterday both my eyes began blinkin and i dont kno why….. It s really annoying me tho.. i bought eye drops thinking my eyes were dry but that didnt help… after awhile it gives me a headache
info from Dr Gott’s column
PDF] Reader finds treatment for spasms that cause eyelid twitch
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View
Reader finds treatment for spasms that cause eyelid twitch. Dear Dr. Gott: As an avid fan of your column, I read with inter- est the past column from one of …
http://www.tulsaworld.com/twpdfs/2008/Final/W_111208_D_4.PDF –
I have developed a right eyelid twich now for 2 weeks, along with symptoms of sinus pressure and headache. Im scared and expecting the worst because I am a huge hypochondriac. Anyone have the same issue?
* The sinus pressure
* dizziness
* eye twitching
* nausea
hay, alot of people have one that is amazingly over looked (and hardly mentioned) its commonly reffered to “wind-twich(spasam tremmor ect)” its caused by excessive exposure to wind thus causing the nerves to miss-fire. I know I have it (mainly becuase I sleep with my fan on all night) but what I am having the most difficulty with is what to do about it, there has to be something (probly simple too). oh and BTW, turning off the fan isent going to work becuase it gets like 100 degrees F where I live almost daily, so….
anyone got any answers?
ever heard the saying “if you look for it, you will find it”? essentualy it means that perhaps “good” or “bad” events happen to you (or perhaps you take more notice of such events) in the aknolagement (sp?) of the left or right eye lid twich? @sixth sense
the sinus, nausia, and dizzyness are all probly just the common cold, where as the eye twich is more likely to be of some other condition then related to the other symtoms, chances are, u have the cold, and not enough sleep.@Sandy
Thanks for that info. I seem to be like you, in the sense that I don’t drink caffeine and I sleep just fine (8 hrs a day) and still get this stupid eye twitch.
I wanted to let you know that one of the reasons why some people get it is because they spend too much time looking at a computer. I spend about 8-10 hrs a day on the computer. I think this might have affected my twitching.
I’m actually going to cut down on this time and see how it goes.
Happy twitching!
Thank you for your blog ! What a relief ! You make it sound even funny !
thanks!! I have had a stupid eye twitch problem in one eye for weeks now.
Good one. Informative and funny as well. Even I am suffering from these stupid lower left eyelid twitches since past 3 damn days now and it still continues. This feeling when the eyelid twitches is so damn annoying and feels kind of weird. I hope it goes away by it’s own, this stupid eyelid twitch. Medical science has done some revolutionary things since past decade but can’t yet zero down on the exact cause of this? That’s even more stupid.
And yes, here is a good link, visit this as well. And also, notice the image of eyelid twitch on the page in middle of the article, that is hilarious for some reason..
Hi all,
I have been suffering lower left eye lid twitching after having a partial anterior ethmoidectomy. I am not sure if the two are inter-related, but i have pain and swelling at nasolabial fold and to a lesser extent over the prominence of my cheekbone. The twitching is so severe it feels like it is paralying my eye and like others it feels like ppl can see it, b/c it makes me close my eye. It feels like the twitching just isn’t my lower lid but the actual eye itself also. I’ve been experiencing this now for several weeks. I have tried to be patient thinking once the swelling and healing of my sinus occurs then it will stop. I have had 4 sinus surgeries, and now wonder if I might have nerve damage. Well, off to take a multivitamin after reading this post to see if it helps. If anyone knows anything about sinus and eye lid twitching would love to read it.
thanks 4 ur advice I had these stupid twitches & had noone to ask 4 help apart 4m google.
I was wondering why in the world this was happening to me, ive been getting roughly 5 hours of sleep a night lately, have been worrying about a reaserch paper for english for the past 2 weeks, and ave been drinking half a pot of coffee every morning.
no wonder.
wow it did work . Thanks for the info. i cut down on coffee and it helped me alot . Thanks again
I had a heart episode for no apparent reason the other night that lasted 90 minutes.
What is disturbing is, it feels like it’s pinched and could happen again at any time.
I was having a lot of stress at the time my eye was going, and it extended to my whole cheek..I had an episode then too.
I think when the virus is hurting my stomach at the time it affects that nerve and can trigger it. My brother is a runner and he has it bad too.
For me, extra gas sometimes triggers it.
Losing weight will help me, since then the stomach is not rubbing too close.
Look up Vagus nerve twitching… It’s related.
Uh-oh. I looked through some of the responses and you guys seem to be talking about that little pulsing feeling that you get in your actual eyelid. Here, the muscle in my cheek that takes part in my purposefully shutting my eyes or squinting spazzes when I flex it and sometimes when I don’t.
thanks for the insight!!! i have been suffering this eye twitching nuisance 3/4 times a day for the last week!!! aaaaaahhhh!!! annoying!
Brilliant blog… thanks all for contributing! I’ve been worried as have had this twitch in my upper right eyelid for about 6 weeks now… I am not a coffee drinker, and probably get too much sleep if anything! Maybe that’s the cause? I also work from home so spend much of the day looking at my computer or the TV… 😉 Which could also be the cause! So, I am going to cut down on that, plus start taking a multi-vitamin… And keep watching this site for any other success stories and possible solutions!
Ok, twitching as I am typing this. Was seriously thinking about going to a doctor, now I am willing to wait a bit longer. Left eye – twitch twitch twitch (upper and lower lids mostly upper)…I rub it, close it, it’s driving my bonkers. Put my glasses on, take them off, look away from the monitor, nada. Twitch twitch twitch…Any conspiracy theorists out there…some crazy idea like it’s deodorant or something in the water. Who knew so many people were twitchers…haha ;)(Signed ~Twitcher in Oregon)
At last a group of people who know what I am going through. I am so happy to find this blog! The area below my left eye has a pulse like beat and a couple of times my left upper eye lid felt the same. I quit using the computer for 2 days. I thought that was the cause. But it continued. I am going to try potassium. Hopefully it will work.
I have had Left eye twitching off and on for probably 5 years or so. It lasted over a year one time. My eye doctor did mention Botox and drinking tonic water; never did either one of those and yes it did eventually go away. But mine is NOT where everyone is describing theirs. Mine is not upper or lower eyelid but over in the far corner of the outer eye diagonally from the eyebrow slanting out towards the ear. It twitches and ‘thumps” all day long to the point that my head aches by the end of the day and it truly physically wears me out. I just want it to stop. I do however feel that stress plays a major role. Anyone out there have their twitching in this location?
Because it works like caffeine, giving the energy effect. This is a type of neurological provoking, unbalancing your nerve system.
thank you for the information posted.
My left eye twitching has been going on for 9 years (started during a pregnancy) and sometimes the right eye twitches too and my left brow at times.It happens before i get a headache.The headache is always on the left side it feels like its behind my eye. I do think i need glasses i can bearly see up close. i do worry about the possibility of a tumor.
HILARIOUS and useful
Hi everyone,
I’ve had hemifacial spasm for almost 3 years. The left upper and lower eyelids twitch quite severely and when I try to smile, the affected eye tend to close. Certain positions of the head make it worse, like looking down or slouching on the couch.
Recently I set up a towel bar at the top of a door and begun hanging with the arms, doing some pull ups as well.
It seems that the eyetwitch is diminishing, so do try it for a few weeks. Try to stretch those neck and shoulder muscles.
All the best..worth a try?
@Mick Qato
I have to reply myself. Nothing else would work other than this MVD operation.
1) http://www.blepharospasm.org/hfs-video/video6.html
2) http://www.blepharospasm.org/1999wilson.html
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMbzYbH_wJM
and the operation is the same one for a condition that worse than twitching : trigeminal neuralgia
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_XO4ZGgwWY&feature=related
Not sure whether I should go to Pittsburg, but considering…
Hi, first my twitching was below my eye, then my upper lid, and later just at the side of my eye (same place as u mentioned) it went on non stop for 2 days. I got really scared. I continued to eat bananas as mentioned on this site and prayed too. The twitching has gone for now and I am praying for it to never come back. I get this strange flutter also all over my body at times. Hopefully its only lack of potassium.
Hi – When my eye twitches I drink a can of tonic water. There is
quinnine in tonic water that will help stop or at least reduce the twitching.
My optometrist told me about this remedy!
Hope this will help! Marilyn
My eye is twitching uncontrollably. I’m not stressed,fatigued,i don’t drink coffee or soda,and being 13 i sleep plenty. i looked all over the internet, asked my science teacher what to do, asked pretty much everyone i know. the twitching in my upper eyelid is so annoying. i can see the eyelid go over my eye and everything. i HATE it. HELP!
first 2010! eye twitch for 3 days straight. Gave up coffee a week ago. I think quitting caffiene is the reason for me.
My right eye has been switching all morning. after reading some of the comments. i do not what to belieave. i know i am not tired. i have been waking up naturally all week now. kinda worried.
I am glad I found this site too. Last October, my 4 yr old daughter poked me in the left eye and scratched my cornea with her fingernail. Man, it was almost the most irritating injury I have ever had – felt like an eyelash in my eye that I could not get rid of and one night my eye started watering so badly I had no choice but to see the doctor. The eye doc did indeed diagnose a torn cornea and gave me some anti-biotic eye drops until healed. Healed up, but irritating sustained twitching started about a month after that injury and still occurs to more or less extent today in both eyes. I have prescription glasses, but did not like to wear them prior to this (would have prevented the whole mess come to think of it!). I ran across another site that indicated that most eye twitches are caused by simple fatigue or irritation of the eye. I find that regular use of my glasses has considerably reduced the symptoms. Still have episodes tho…so now I just need to reduce my time on the computer, take my daily vitamins, reduce my caffeine intake to less than 3-4 cups a day, drink tonic water in place of beer, get more sleep, keep wearing my glasses (and keep my prescription up to date) and take more vacations to reduce stress! Lol!Well, hopefully mine is nothing more that strain and irritation. I am not getting to bent over it, but it is really irritating when it gets going, so I understand how you all feel. Thanks for posting on such a weird little thing as an eye twitch – it was a comfort to see others talking about this, expressing their frustration, and trying to look on the light side of it!
First my upper right, then my upper left.
Now my lower left. It’s obvious I am being consumed by the twitch. So, to save myself any further stress, I popped both eyes out with a spoon.
I still get phantom twitches, but I can no longer see my eyelids bouncing around in the mirror.
I also have the eyelid twitch….it was going on for about a month. I went to the eye Dr. and also the neurologist.they both said “it will go away.”
I gave up caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and drink that God-awful tonic water with quinine. Anyway, I am without the twitch now for 5 days.
Good luck.
Thanks for the info guys.
I’m seeing a doctor tomorrow to get a referral to a neurologist.
I have been having my left eyelid and eyebag as someone earlier named it, twitching for about five weeks now.
When it first happened I lightly browsed the interwebs and did the following upon cross-referenced recommendation;
– no coffee. I only drank 1-2 a day, not every day. Replaced with black tea or chai instead.
-slept more. I slept around 6-7 hours before the twitching. Made sure this was now 7 1/2 to 8 hours a night’s sleep.
-stressed less. I like to consider myself a pretty easy-going and relaxed person most of the time, but took further mental practices to give a sh*t about stuff less.
It hasn’t really helped.
Further background. I smoke pot pretty much daily, around 5-10 ciggies a day, occasionally drink. Sometimes I go out and drink and smoke a lot amongst other things, like once a month.
Diet is ok, I tend to eat a lot of asian foods out and about most nights. Occasional fresh food, haven’t been eating bananas of late though.
I work in a stressful, annoying broker role with lots of demands and clients calling, emailing and faxing you all the time.
What i think is the cause.
Home environment. Living with a stressful roomie whose trying to get better.
Not wearing sunglasses daily, i left my sunglasses at a friend’s house over a month ago now, which is about the same time the eye twitching started.
No Potassium, Vitamin K. Which is found in bananas
I’ve read that a suitable option before going to what I consider extreme length of injecting botox into your face to kill twitching muscles, you can try a course of muscle relaxants. I want this to happen as I really don’t want to inject my face with botox or anything at all.
I think stress is probably the instigator in most cases. It is a nervous tic after all, and exasperatingly it gets worse the more you stress about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Problem with lower right. Thanks for the comments, and realize that my issue is probably due to stress, too much time at the computer, might need to increase vitamins. Will try all the “fixes” mentioned here. thanks.
My left eye has been twitching too , I also just started taking creatine….That has too be a cause.
haha i didn’t know that everyone had an eyelid twitch i thought it was only me, i am not worried or anything its just that its really annoying, i noticed that when i stopped taking my vitamin pills my twitch started and that i never eat bananas and i never get that much sleep and that I’m a little stressed as well, so i noticed that i have all the ‘problems’, haha i find this really funny tho.
My left upper eyelid twitched for about 8 months. FINALLY, after many wasted dr. visits, I stopped wearing my “sleepy mask” to bed that I used to block out light. My eyelashes were becoming smashed and my husband had commented on how if I gave it up my eyelid may stop spasming. (Left upper eyelid twitching, and those were the eyelashes that were smashed down from sleeping on my left side). Hope this helps someone. Try not wearing your sleep mask.
Had rt eyelid twitch/flutter for 3 weeks-too many times daily to count. I am a 50 yr old female RN in pretty good health. Decided to research before going to MD (hey, I’m lazy and cheap). Wrote down all the helpful hints in this blog-decided to try em til something worked. Started with taking vitamins (focusing on B6) which seemed easy to do (hey, I’m lazy).Hallejuhah!-the twitching resolved 95% within after taking a high quality liquid multivitamin (easier to digest than pill form). I am taking Max Muscle Vitacell which contains 30+vitamins-I am not paid for hyping this product and am not affilitated with that company-I just know it has worked for me.
I had off and on back muscle twitching for years.
Magnesium supplements cured me in one day.
No lie. It would wake me in the middle of the night.
I would also add potasium and a calcium supplement along with a good daily vitamin.
I’ve had 2 sets of twitching episodes. Once when I was stressed working 3rd shift and not getting enough sleep, that twitch lasted 6 months (even long after I left that job). Now 10 years later it twitches again from the same causes, and it is still going after a couple months. I am going nuts to find a solution! Thanks to all who are trying to help others!!
I read your comments with excitement and in my mid 40 of age. Really, when I was having eyelidtwitches initially, I was truly under stress and having limited sleep every night, average of 3hours .Before I could meet my doctor for the stress management and sleep disorder, the twitches just dissappeared.
After a long time, just more than six months,I was convinced I was ok generlly considering my comprehensive medical checkup result and average of 5hours sleep per day, the twitches reappeared. Besides, I have been on multivitamine supplements for more than 4months and so can not say exactly what the cause of this disturbing phenomenom could be. Do you have more information on this topic now? My best regards.
I have got eyelid twitching for a couple of days.
I noticed that I get a bit dizzy too.
Please help.
I read all about it and i am taking some vitamins based in B6 to see if it helps.
But if I get a bit dizzy ,is it because of lack of vitamins?
Please help with an answer.
DO you think I should see a neurologist?
MY heart was biiitng a bit faster the other day too.
I think it might be lack of vitamins, as I do drink lots of coffee and not have much sleepp iethe.but thsnks to reading this website I find out what I have to do.
Good luck to everyone.
I also have this but it is associated with my weight lifting, and high intensity training. I find that if I’m not getting the right amount of sleep this happens to me. It’s a good warning that I am over training, or not getting my rest.
Listen to your body, it’s trying to tell you something!
@sixth sense
What if it’s both eyes??
Brilliant! Made me chuckle. My eyelid stops flickering while it’s screwed up with laughter…
I also had this stupid twitch 15 years ago for almost
3 years! Then it just stopped. Came back 4 years ago and dr.
put me on Lexapro. Twitch (I refer to it as a friend: me and twitch)
stopped right away. Now it’s back, about a month.
Same place, lower left eyelid.
Family dr.and ophthalmologist say it’ll go away when it’s ready.
Dr. won’t up my Lexapro dose. I quit caffeine, get enough sleep,
meditate, and am trying to lower the stress level (it’s high).
Am even seeing a therapist. Am glued to computer up to 10
hours a day for work. Lots of reading.
Am gonna try the tonic water with quinine, because quinine
has medicinal qualities. The virus theory makes
sense to me. Stress, lack of sleep, overuse, exhaustion
all lower immune resistance, which would allow a virus to grow
I am LOL at how this blog is the “Mecca of Eyelid Twitching.”
Luis, you should compile all this into a book and make some
money for the way this thing has taken on a life of its
own on your blog.
I’ve had both of my eyes twitch (not simultaneously) for almost more than 10 years in counting … I’m 30 now and its still going as I’m speaking.. doctors told me similar things like everyone here and it just won’t go away…
yet, my mother told me that its a bad omen if your left eye twitch and good deeds will come your way if your right eye twitch!! As skeptical as I can get, when my left eye twitch, something bad happens (ie car crash, someone in family got hurt, someone need help financially, earthquakes ..etc.etc..). And when my right eye twitch something good happened. Now.. I’m not saying this happened every time a twitch occurs, but I’ve noticed in the past 10 years that if I think about that twitch too long (annoyance point), good/bad things tend to happened!!! … I can’t explain it but it has happened to me…
its still twitching right now … the left one…
Is there some kind of metaphysical connection to all of this? Conscious awareness or is it just really a physical defect of the human body??
A client gave me, as a gift, some very dark chocolate called Noir. I forgot the brand. When I woke up the next day, my left eyelid was twitching/fluttering. It’s been about a month and the fluttering stopped, but the twitching – although light, is constant. It stops in the morning, but when I touch my eye or put on eye make-up, it starts twitching again. It’s been about a month, and I’m waiting for the chocolate Noir to completely be removed from my system. I will try your suggestions. Thanks.
i agree with master lee, my mom told me the same and i have experienced the same as master lee over the last 40 years. since i was a little boy.
good news right eye, bad news left eye. including cheatin lyin girlfriends , or passin a big test. there is a force or sixth sense that man has not documented!!! for sure for sure!!
Enough of this midevil “left eye bad” crap. No wonder Dr’s avoid self diagnosis over the internet.
It’s from lack of sleep (quality sleep) and stress. That’s it.
sonny dee, it’s good that people like you don’t run the world. We would probably still have the same technology of the “midevil” times.
the rest of us human’s know that we only use a small portion of our
brains.. approx 10-15% so what is the other 85-90% for?
your i know everything i need to know attitude makes me sick!
Hey I think i have something in my eye, My eye lid doesnt twitch but underneath my eye it feels like i have a something there like a ball, It doesnt really move but every so often it feels like there is something there when it dosnt it spasms it doesnt hurt but damn its annoying !!
Does anyone have any ideas on what i could do?
How are you doing today?
LMAO. Throw in a few sugar pills for good measure. I love that. Keep it empirical. LMFAO but are there inter-dimensional forces at hand?
So, my upper right eyelid had been twitching for over two months, constantly and driving me nuts! A customer of mine had previously had the same problem and said to try taking a MAGNESIUM supplement. I bought some right away and after 2 days the twitching has stopped. What a relief! I’ll keep you posted…
dear all, a little over a month ago, my upper left eyelid started twitching – not constantly, but at least twenty times a day. as i work as an editor, it was annoying the hell out of me, and immediately i started worrying a lot. went to the doctor, who said to come back if i still had it after five months. i thought the cause was that i had started running about one month earlier – two, three hours a week – which can lead to a shortage of minerals etc. so started taking (1) multivitamins and (2) an extra supplement of magnesium each day. also cut down on my caffeine consumption, and gave my eyes some rest during the day (5 minute break each hour, looking away from the computer screen every 20 minutes). anyway: last week, the twitching was a lot less, and since last weekend, it’s practically gone. i’m knocking on wood here! your comments were very helpful!
Uh, perhaps it was the calcium and/or the magnesium and not the zinc that caused the twitching…did you ever consider that?
I am glad to know that I am not alone. My eyes twiching since a month or two and now I know the main cause is a lot of coffee+COKE+Cgrattees.
Has anyone had temporal pain with the twitch….almost
like maybe TMJ?
My left lower eyelid has been twitching steady for about
6-8 weeks…saw my ophthamologist 2x and he keeps telling me it is stress.
I went to my internist and he says my neuro exam is normal
and that in 27 years of practicing medicine he never saw
an eye twitch as a symptom of a bad disease. How could one
not worry when it doesn’t stop? He also checked all lytes
and they were normal too.
On Sunday at 2 pm it stopped twitching…until today when
it started rearing its ugly head again.
I am just curious if TMJ could play a role.
hey everyone,
my left eye has a horrible twitch, and i think it has somethign to do with a bad stomache virus i had a few months back. Ever since the virus, i’ve had the eye twitch. maybe i popped somehtign in my eye everytime my stomache turned. anyone have a similar problem???
My left eye started twitching a few years ago during stressful periods at work. It would go away when I rested. A year ago it started and didn’t stop! I read that Magnesium deficiencies could result in eye twitchings, so I started taking 1,000 mg/day about 5 days ago. I just realized that it has stopped twitching! (I’d also cut out coffee months ago but it did not make a difference). I’m nervous that the twitching will start up again, but so far so good!
This blog is hysterical and wonderful.
I will have to try magnesium….as I see a lot of people say it has worked for them. My upper right eye lid has been twitching on and off for about a month now. It’s very annoying and I feel like everyone notices it when they look at me. Life is stressful but seems to always be and I’ve never had this problem. I get enough sleep and avoid caffeine so magnesium it is!
Marcus, if you ever read this: you just saved my sanity! It is totally the creatine! I seriously thought I was developing a neurological disorder. Whew.
My left eyebrow twitched so much today i felt it effecting my whole face.. i thought i was going to have some kind of seisure.. but i am a hypocandria i think. pritty sure on that.. but i feel like its not healthy to let you eye twitch that much… i was really hung over the day before.. and than today with the incessent twitching.. if i put my finger on it it would stop… it has gone now but hopefully its ok and its not an pressing health issure or worry. are all the peopel who look this up as much as a worry wart as me?? probably we all just need to calm down and stop obycessing. but if you know any thing send me an e mail. sarah.putt@hotmail.com
In terms of the causes of eye twitching, the followings are some of the factorsFactor ix complex that are less serious for the ones getting such symptoms.
# Stress
# Tiredness
# Eyestrain
# CaffeineCaffeine
Caffeine anhydrous
Caffeine citrate
# Alcohol
# Dry eyes
# Nutritional imbalances
# Allergies
In this regard, I would like to add that in terms of the eye-twitching caused purely by those less serious causes as mentioned above, such a symptom, naturally would be a far milder one and definitely would not last permanently when appropriate treatments are administered accordingly to deal with it.
Whilst one of the far more serious causes of chronic eye twitching / eyelidEyelid bump
Eyelid lift
Eyelid twitch-blinking which would only get worse from time to time and last permanently and never ever get better or mitigated even when certain medical treatments are administered to deal with such illness, such a phenomenonRaynaud’s phenomenon
Raynaud’s phenomenon may just manifest as one of the serious neuromuscular / neurological / symptoms of :
# Tardive Dyskinesia / Blepharospasm (Being one of the side effects of certain medications and other neurological causes affecting the dopamine neurotransmitters which coordinate the miscellaneous humanHcg in urine
Hiv infection
Human bites
Human papillomavirus vaccine body movements)
Related Information :
I have had this twitching in different eye lids for some time it comes for ages and goes for a day here and there. Now i use a lot of chewing gum and something told me there may be a connection as everytime i chewed gum it started getting bad again. after some surfing i found that sweetners can cause it so i cut out the gum (which containes sweetners) and stopped having sweetner in my coffee……so far so good its still there a bit but much better and its only been a few days, iv also been keeping my eyes hydrated well its helped me hope this is of some help to you too.
My right upper lid finally stopped twitching FOR GOOD…it took about 3 months. I’m not positive what made it stop but I think if you cut out the caffeine (no chocolate too), get lots of sleep in a dark, quiet comfortable room, then it should gradually stop.
Well, from medical point of view, under usual circumstances, the annoying eye twitch would normally be caused by the not so serious factors as follows : –
# Stress
# Tiredness
# Eyestrain
# Caffeine
# Alcohol
# Dry eyes
# Nutritional imbalances
# Allergies
Next, under such situations, such annoying symptoms would usually come and go within a very short period of time and certainly the conditions would get better and better from time to time especially when certain related treatments are sought and administered to deal with the symptom.
However, under rare circumstances when the eye twitch symptom just get progressively and chronically and seriously unmitigated from bad to worse as well as seem to last permanently even when all sorts of related treatments are adminstered upon such illness to deal with it, such non-stop eye twitching symptom may then simply just manifest as one of the serious neuromuscular / neurological symptoms of
# Tardive Dyskinesia (rapid involuntary uncontrollable eye blinking / eye twitching), which in most cases are caused by the neuromuscular / neurological side effects of certain medications and other neurological complications. Whilst the underlying mechanism of such a disease is such that the normal functionings of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine which co-ordinates the miscellaneous human body movements in this case are disturbed,antagonized and disrupted in this case resulting in one’s loss of control of human body movements, and in this case, one’s eye / eyelids organ.
Related Information :
My twitching started a couple of years ago and seems
to come and go. I think one of the other technical names
for this is Blepharospasm, there is even an organization
devoted to this. http://www.blepharospasm.org/
This most recent episode started when I went on Lexapro
about one month ago. My eye doc said that when something
is in our bodies that might cause a twich the eyes are
the first to notice it because they are amongst the
smallest muscles in the body….and there fore most
affected…again the cause is unknown, sleep, stress,
dehydration, minerals..who knows…I just hope it goes
away soon. I’m getting 6 hours of sleep and using the
Zeo http://www.myzeo.com/ its really interesting I found
that I have excessive REM which is the reason I started
taking Lexapro in the first place. The Zeo shows your
cycles. its pretty cool. Anyway, if I find an answer
I’ll be back on here to post it fellow twictchers..no
I was not winking at you…its just the twitch.
I find your attitude about this nice.
Well I may have found the answer to this twitching episode
It seemed to stop when I stopped taking a supplement
the supplement was Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Its only been
since the day of the last post that I stopped taking it
However, the twitch has been less and less and today
only once for few seconds.
Well the twitch has calmed itself quite a bit, but its
certainly not gone. I don’t know if it was the Carnitine
I’m going to stop artificial sweeters and then caffeine.
I have not had artificial sweetners since Monday and its
now Thursday. I’ll stop the coffee tommorow too. If it
goes away then I guess I will know.
Diana, I have just submitted my comment about how I cured my eyelid twitching about 5 minutes ago. Try to do it and see if it works for you.
Max Chew
hey guys did u know amongs nepalis and hindu manny belive that for boys vibration of left eyelid is unluck and the rigt is lucky.
and its just the opposite for gals. i myself have had some experiences some times but its kind of hard to belive unless it happens to u? try it next time…………………
hey guys did u know amongs nepalis and hindu manny belive that for boys vibration of left eyelid is unluck and the rigt is lucky.
and its just the opposite for gals. i myself have had some experiences some times but its kind of hard to belive unless it happens to u? try it next time………………… ok so share ur experiences
i have 2 reasons for the eye twitching that leads to common sense…. One, its an immature psychic just trying to make u look weird..and another..is ur not getting enough sleep..like 9-10 hours..no t.v…catch back up on ur sleep that u lost through out the years…that always seems to work when i just sleep in for a week..about the immature psychics…find out about psychics and you will see what powers they have
look in the miror and fix it…remember the feeling of how it feels to set it there…never pull ur skin to compensate(another idea).hold ur eye lid..but dont stretch.then remember the feeling of the high “set” of its placement..try to look around and set the eye lid high again…tell me the results…and could u tell me what Max Chew sent to u as a cure?….could be immature psychics messing with ur eye lid
@Max Chew
how did u cure?
hey thanks for the informative post. my eye started twitch recently and its been bugging me but it’s nice to know there are some simple steps i can try to make them go away. vitamin deficiency sounds very plausible in my case. again thanks for the info.
People think that I am winking at them! I have had my left top eye lid twitching on and off for about 6 months. Driving me nuts. Thought I’d take time out and search the internet so made myself a plunger coffee accompanied with some yummy dark chocolate. Ugh, only to find that this could be the culprit. Never mind. For now I will just add more bananas and vitamin D to my diet to see if this is the remedy. If not then I will have to sadly try abstaining from my beloved coffee and chocolate fix. I have also just read that eye twitching could also be a sign of MS (Multiple Sclerosis). So if it’s just more bananas in the sun and less coffee for me I shouldn’t complain.
my eyelid felt irritated a couple of months ago. two years ago lower lash grew into left eye. rubbed it for a few weeks and tried to pull up upper eyelid to relieve irritation. irritation stopped. had eyes checked by my doc and no eye problem or lash inverted. Upper left eyelid twitching on and off for a month. twitches only slightly right behind lashes.
Any thoughts re: how long this will last and what I can do in the mean time to reduce the twitching. no pain. very annoying. on and off during the day. just near the lash, not the entire lid. have reduced coffee. am in good shape otherwise.
ideas appreciated.
its good to have this information.my eyelid started twiching about 2 weeks ago, after bizzare 3 weeks of body vibration.So far, aside from being irritated, i am just fine. I am now trying to change my diet and will share if it works.
I agree…mine started (4 months now) after a sore neck a few nights of sleeping the WRONG way. I have a ton of tension in my shoulders and neck that jump roping for workout and poor stretching habits didnt help. my chiro took exrays and adjustments as well as acupuncture has helped tremendously. It still occures…when I tense up or twist the wrong way…it is a long road let me tell ya! I have also been inverting and doing neck stretches as well as making a concious effort to support a healhty healing diet and supplement plan. I hope this helps. I really think that prolonged instances of this eye lid twitch is probably caused by subluxation.
Thanks for posting about a possible link between Creatine and eye twitching. I just started a rather strong Creatine supplement and I believe that is around the same time that my eye twitching started. I’m going to stop using Creatine to see if the twitching subsides. Although I do agree that the supplement does help in muscle development so it’ll be a shame if I have to stop taking it.
i had eye lid twitichig 2 years back…it lasts for 2 months..
it was so irritatig i thought it will never go , i had visited this blog that time ..
every one who visits this blog might be having twitiching , Dont worry IT WILL GO AWAY….Happy ?
Avoid coffee, avoid stress,
Do some exercise for eye ball like looks round circle up and down both the sides
Laugh out loudly for long time will cure this fast
My lower left eye started twitching for the first time in my life.I’m about to move out of my now ex boyfriends house this week and I’m moving to a new state where I don’t know anyone. My boyfriend who I thought was going to propose marriage to me told me recently I’m not the one. That he isn’t in love with me, and he feels he can find someone better suited for him. I’m scared, having panic attacks, bad dreams, stomach aches, and digestive problems daily!! Now my eye is twitching!! I’m so unhappy!!
I hope the eye twitching stops soon, It is scary. Thanks for reading. Good luck to everyone out there.
been twitching two months plus now. tried all natural remedies. opthamalogist thinks its triggered by dry eye. put me on lotamax for two weeks and twitching cut in half but is still in same place: upper left eyelid. am now on the restasis which is started today and told to gradually gut the lotamax out after two weeks and keep taking the restatsis. will see doc in six weeks to check. ran into friend of mine who is a yoga teacher and she has the same twitch in her left eyelid for two months. she said hers went away on vacation and is now back, especially when she talks. i notice mine comes back almost immediately if i’m talking loud. frustrating but could be much worse. twitch twitch.
I heard of a natural remedy to get rid of dark circles underneathe the eyes. The natural remedy was to use GREEN TEA BAGS and put them on the eyes. Well I as they say, and I fell asleep with them on for about 3 hours. Now my left eye (had a little more water in it) won’t stop twitching. Help anybody?
why did you not take your doctor’s advice ??
My doc. says its usually caused by strees and thats a strong possibility in your case. have you ever tried TM (transdental meditation), its very simple to do and really does help you to relax. hope you feel much better soon.
I think the popularity of this post is hilarious. My girlfriend has a twitchy eye and I was trying to help.
Dont want to add to the eyelid twitching paranoia, but I also suffer from it (and just happened upon this site when looking for information on kitchens)…
But for me it comes and goes, and definitely is much worse when im run down , stressed or very tired
Hi, regarding the suggested self-administered, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless and needle-free acupuncture method (the one meant to be applied to the “He Gu” acupuncture point of one’s hand) which is meant especially for the effective and full treatments of post-birth non-brain / neuron-damage & Tardive Dyskinesia / medication-induced rapid, purposeless, involuntary and uncontrollable eyelid twitching / eye blinking, included below is an excerpt of a conversation from the other forum about the others acclaiming the obvious and prompt therapeutical and curative efficacies of this particular suggested self-administered, needle-free, free-of-charge, painless and harmless acupuncture method.
(The particular conversation as mentioned above – Please Refer to the very last post entitled “Thank you very much for being kind and benevolent for the poor and needy ones “
My left eye bottom just twitched and i want to know whether it will have good luck or bad luck but instead of finding that answer,i found why twitches come…….LOL!!TELL ME!!
I noticed my left lower eyelid start to twitch off and on on 7/25/10, immediately after I did something silly in using a comedone extractor near the edge of the eyelid trying to remove a pimple. I only put slight pressure on the site, but immediately stopped and then the twitching started. Went to my optometrist and she said I had blepharitis, with irritation on the eyelashes. She suggested trying tonic water for the problem. I learned a lesson to not mess around anywhere near your eyes. I do hope this condition stops eventually. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate them. Thanks.
Actually I have just recently received some highly acclaimed remarks from the other person in other forum about the substantial, obvious and prompt efficacies of my suggested self-administered, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless and needle-free acupuncture method / technique which is meant especially for the effective and full treatments of post-birth non-brain / neuron-damage & Tardive Dyskinesia / medication-induced rapid, purposeless, involuntary and uncontrollable eyelid twitching / eye blinking.
As such please refer to the third-party remarks made as follows :
Original post made by this person as mentioned above :
“I think Actually these persons distributed nearly the identical sore know-how as me from such debilitating sickness and for your data, there were numerous of them who were not so well-to-do, and therefore they could not pay for such costly health accounts of glimpsing the health experts or to get Botox injections / surgical remedy to deal with their non-stop eyelid-twitching problems. Therefore, when I suggested such an acupuncture method to them, I did it out of benevolent humanity, understanding and compassion, and express gratitude God that it worked on each and every individual of them.”
And well, perhaps my related posts made in this forum and the very last post related to the third-party remarks as mentioned above which is entitled “Thank you very much for being kind and benevolent for the poor and needy ones ” from the other forum as included through the weblink below may just turn out to be helpful to you all and the other related people suffering from the similar visually incapacitating diseases and having the same vision problems.
I have received another positive feedback / comment for that suggested self-administered, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless and needle-free acupuncture method / technique that goes as follows :
“I’ve been twitching for five days and just tried the acupressure technique on myself, and it stopped! thank you!” – anon101160 (16)
My left eye bottom lid keeps twitching. I do a lot of paperwork and use the computer. Very tired even though getting sleep. My Dad had ALS. Always a worry that this is related since I read it on a web site. Stress is related to everything but the lottery may help. Can’t hurt to try buying lottery tickets. Money would relieve the stress.
My left eye bottom lid keeps twitching. I do a lot of paperwork and use the computer. Very tired even though getting sleep. My Dad had ALS. Always a worry that this is related since I read it on a web site. Stress is related to everything but the lottery may help. Can’t hurt to try buying lottery tickets.
But why the only right one??? What on earth is ‘ok’ with my left eyeball and not my right!!! Driving me nuts.
I also have a deep filling on my left lower molar and have had root canal which has numbed the pain but has never gone away. Now my left upper eyelid has been twitching on and off (mostly on) for the past 5 days and it’s driving me mad! I have made an appointment with my dentist and I am going to get the tooth pulled out. I will let you know if it does the trick.
wow love this website..all about twitchings…in my part iof the world, not officially proven but interestingly enough, having eyelid twitches – depending on the left or right meant something either good ( for instance, you will receive a fortune either small or big) or bad ( death of relatives etcetc )is going to happen. Right now not sure whether left is good or bad or vice versa.
Hey this website is really nice. Even my left eyelid is twitching since last seven months. Its really been very irritating. When ever I close my eyes it starts to twitch.May be I shud try some multivitamines. I think mine is the longest period 7 months.
Included below is a third-party testimonial
Included below is one of the another online testimonials about the acclaimed efficacies of the suggested self-administered, totally needle-free, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless, simple acupuncture / acupressure technique / method meant for genuinely effective cure of Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorder. Most importantly, I earnestly and sincerely hope that by making this particular post, it would serve to promote and further the related humanitarian cause especially for the welfare and well-beings of the poor and needy people to a farther extent.
“For your additional information, I have also appear throughout quite a few people in my real lifestyle annoyed by this type of the non-stop eyelid twitching trouble of distinctive prospects to and degrees of severity, and accordingly, I just propose the method as pointed out above to them and within of weeks, they just knowledge significant improvements to their problems shortly after applying this therapy, and shortly after a amount of weeks , they just recover completely from this sickness. .
And I wish that by contributing this product of article to you, it will somehow enable one to in no much lower than receiving a clue about this sickness.”
After 3 months of twitching I went to the eye doctor thinking my eyes were tired from looking at the computer all day and that I must need glasses. Not the case. He said my eye sight was great. And that I had blepharospasm.
He said that the condition is very common and that while they don’t know a cause or cure they have seen links to things like stress and caffeine. I read online about potassium and/or B Vitamin deficiencies also being possible causes.
Stress – I’m sure that has something to do with it. But my stress has to do with a disabled family member so I don’t see it being reduced any time soon.
Caffeine – I hate coffee but at the time I had been drinking Redbull more frequently. I cut out the Redbull but the twitch did not go away. Redbull has tons of B vitamins so I thought maybe that had something to do with it.
B Vitamins – Started taking B vitamin supplements (rather than Redbull) but the twitch continued.
Potassium – After evaluating my diet I realized that the only major change I had made before the twitching started was that I was eating a banana for breakfast every morning. Previously I virtually never ate bananas. Strange that someone that never ate bananas would start experiencing blepharospasm a few months after adding bananas to her diet. That seems to contradict the potassium deficiency idea. So I cut out that bananas and it seemed to help. The twitching became less frequent but it didn’t go away entirely. I began to think that the problem may have to do a potassium imbalance (not necessarily a deficiency). That maybe the bananas caused a spike and then a drop in my levels or something. Around that time I saw a commercial for the birth control Yaz and it had a warning about increasing potassium levels. If I did have a potassium deficiency I thought maybe this would increase my levels. And if it was an imbalance I thought that since the birth control stays in your system all day, it might help regulate my levels . So I called my doctor and switched. Sure enough within a few weeks my twitch was completely gone. It’s been 10 months now and the only time the twitch starts to creep back is if I slack and have to much caffeine (which causes dehydration and aids in depleting your body of potassium).
Sorry so wordy — Hope this helps someone.
I am in the same boat exactly the same as you 4 weeks eye twitching vicodin, cigs and coffee. Did it help you? did your eye twitch go away after cutting down on all 3 I mean?
Hi Lee,
After more than a year, I am back to leave a message. I still do not believe in those scientific theory on eye twitching due to lack of sleep etc.
I am in a hell of trouble and I am paranoid when my lower left eye bag started twitching. When that happens, I just cannot concentrate on what I was doing.
People say it’s lack of sleep, I dropped everything and slept for 10 hours yesterday but just now it started twitching again.
It is a six sense thing – I know trouble is near.
Hi guys,I got my right lower eyelid twitch 5 days ago. I’m an avid computer user and just loved the pc. Workday i would sit at it 8-5 then get home and plop on my laptop till late even 2:00am; Dont take tabs or vitamins; or whatever u myt call it. I just know am fine, all healthy with nothing to worry me much about until 5 days ago; got the right lower eyelid twitch and it nagged. It nagged me to bed, it nagged me to work…I just didnt say anything to anyone coz I didnt quite understand it.
So I cut on cofee and tea; stopped using my laptop and in office as of yesterday; I simply focussed on a distant object on the wall about 20 feet away; I looked at it for 20 seconds then looked at the pc while blinking for 5 seconds then got back to the distant object again and focussed; did it again. After about 30 minutes of doing this; I stood up and left my seat; took a walk to stretch my legs; by and by as I walked I kept focussing on distant objects; when I wud reach them I wud set another distant object as my next target. Slowly but surely the twith waned away and dissappeared. I feel new, fresh and jittery!!! I’m so excited and thanking God. I’m cutting down on my computer time and will continue taking breaks in office; nothing is as lovely as being free again..I just had to share this coz I’ve been reading this blog ever since I got the twitch. Now I want to help al those avid pc users if I can; but boy does it feel like paradise; to wake up and that nagging twitch aren’t there…I feel good guys..try ot out if u use the computer a lot or even if u dont…focus on a distant object for seconds on end while blinking slowly then look again back to a closer object that u can touch…It jst myt help u as it did me…moreso thank God for yo life coz even if it doesn’t you will have to go through it. Take care guys and all the best.
Hi guys,I got my right lower eyelid twitch 5 days ago.
I’m an avid computer user and just loved the pc.
Workday i would sit at it 8-5 then get home and plop
on my laptop till late even 2:00am; Dont take tabs
or vitamins; or whatever u myt call it. I just know
am fine, all healthy with nothing to worry me much
about until 5 days ago; got the right lower eyelid
twitch and it nagged. It nagged me to bed, it nagged
me to work…I just didnt say anything to anyone coz I
didnt quite understand it.
So I cut on cofee and tea; stopped using my laptop and
in office as of yesterday; I simply focussed on a
distant object on the wall about 20 feet away;
I looked at it for 20 seconds then looked at the pc
while blinking for 5 seconds then got back to the
distant object again and focussed; did it again.
After about 30 minutes of doing this; I stood up and
left my seat; took a walk to stretch my legs; by and by
as I walked I kept focussing on distant objects; when I
wud reach them I wud set another distant object as my
next target. Slowly but surely the twitch waned away and
dissappeared. I feel new, fresh and jittery!!!
I’m so excited and thanking God. I’m cutting down on my
computer time and will continue taking breaks in office;
nothing is as lovely as being free again..I just had to
share this coz I’ve been reading this blog ever since
I got the twitch. Now I want to help all those
avid pc users if I can; but boy does it feel like paradise; to wake up and that
nagging twitch aren’t there…I feel good guys..try it
out if u use the computer a lot or even if u dont…
focus on a distant object for seconds on end while
blinking slowly then look again back to a closer
object that u can touch…It jst myt help u as it did me
…moreso thank God for yo life coz even if it doesn’t
you will have to go through it. Take care guys and all
the best.
For your kind information, in terms of medication-induced chronic Blepharospasm / eye twitching / eye blinking disorders, the ones seeking helps and advices from me so far over these couple of years are mainly, mostly and in majority, all the grown adults who suffer from such chronic Blepharospasm / eye blinking / eye twitching ever since their teenage years, and the ones who are in their 20s – 60s. Whilst as a matter of fact, there are actually certain Tardive Dyskinesia-related medications such as metoclopramide (Reglan), prochlorperazine (Compazine) – being medications for gastrointestinal problems, promethazine (Phenergan) – being medications for cough and so on that are often prescribed to children nowadays which may also have disastrous and very serious nerve-damaging side effect of muscle deformity that would affect the rest of their lives. Besides, given the very fact that the immune system of small children / kids are far less developed compared to grown adults, such small children / kids are thus far more vulnerable and susceptible to the strong and powerful neurological / neuromuscular side effects of such potentially nerve-disrupting medications compared to the grown adults. Therefore, extreme and well-informed precautions and measures should be vigorously taken when it comes to safeguarding the medical cares, welfares and well-beings of the tender-aged and underage children / kids so as to conscientiously and effectively protect them from any unwanted and unexpected harms of any medications with harmful side effects.
Well, honestly speaking and saddeningly, regardless of the facts that my related suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure method / technique involving the persistent mild pressings (2-hour each day for a few weeks / a few months) with blunt-pointed-object (such as a normal writting pen which is out-of-ink etc) on “He Gu” acupoint located on the “fleshy” part at the back of one’s right palm – 1.5 cm measured vertically from the point of intersection between the thumb and the forefinger, as illustrated in the diagram above and as explained and elaborated in great details in the related posts above, have get lots of people troubled with Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders fully cured once-and-for-all in within weeks / months in the end, it is simply hardly applicable / curatively useful to the tender-aged young children, especially the ones aging from 5 – 16 years old and below, whose eyes nerves have been seriously damaged / destroyed (often quite immediately) by the medications with strong neurological / neuromuscular side effects such as the ones mentioned in the examples above due to their far less-developed immune systems which are far more vulnerable compared to the grown adults. Besides, such a scenario would quite often apply to certain fragile and senile old people too whose immune systems are seriously deteriorating. And under such circumstances, the medical examinations like MRI / CT-Scannings etc would be able to observe and detect the related damaged / destroyed nerves which are tangible and hence, noticeable by such medical devices in contrast to the totally-transparent neurotransmitters chemicals produced by these nerves which are totally invisible to such medical examinations, but are absolutely needed to maintain the proper synaptic activities of the miscellaneous related nerves that are all over the body and brain cells, so as to maintain the proper functionings of various bodily activities and functions like movements, thinkings etc . Well then, everything has their limitations after all. But the worse thing remains that, all these pitiful young and tender-aged kids and children would then have to live with such muscular spasm and deformity for the rest of their lives, whilst their parents are helplessly hard-broken and aggrieved in all those cases. Hence, that’s why I conclude that careful, early and well-informed precautions and measures taken beforehand are always than the cure itself.
howdy all. i know i posted in this website sometime back i had the same problem. that darn twitch..well i found something that worked for me and i had to come back and share hoping it helps someone..i was doing some reading online and a few sites stated it could be a lack of magnesium…
i can tell when my eyes are strained or tired..both of them twitch like crazy. but then there is that twitch that comes from out of no where…
i just went to the drug store and got the generic brand and voila!!!!
i hope this helps someone…cheers
My right eye was twitching for over two weeks and it has finally STOPPED completely. 1) Eat a banana everyday or foods containing Potassium
It can’t hurt & it solved my problem.
2) Lean red meat or liver/giblets three times a week-massive amounts of B-12.
I googled eye twitch and found this – 8 sep 2003 to 8 mar 2011 …. and still eye twitchers are finding this blog post when looking for relief! I personally like the Chinese proveb about me getting something great soon… might avoid the bananas and B complex till i get it!
thanks for the info – love it! 2003 was awesome
Left top eye lid twitching FOREVER now. How can it be caffeine for me or stress….when I wake in the a.m. it’s twitching!!! I started taking potassium about a year ago. Could it be the cause? Maybe I will stop taking it and see what happens. It’s very annoying!
My left eyelid started twitching about a week ago…about the same time I started to come down with a virus. Seems like there is a connection.
Very strange indeed, that when I typed “eyelid twitching for 3 weeks” into the Google search bar, that this came up! It is the most informative, scary, silly, strange, stellar, bunch-a-blogs on the net for sure. Oh, the strange part is that I have had upper-left eyelid twitching for 3 weeks. Has anyone researched the 3-week thingy? There has to be something about 3 weeks. I exercise (combo of water aerobics & gym equipment workouts). I’m sure I drink too much. Within the past year and 1/2, I lost 2 jobs, one recently. There is a lot of “life-throws-crap-at-you” stuff going on. I take vitamins and am a part-time pescatarian (I only eat fish and ovo-lacto foods). After reading most of these responses here, I realize that there are many possible causes of the twitching, not just one; therefore, it follows that there could be many cures. Last summer my left ear started itching deep inside. It was so distracting and aggravating that I scratched it raw & it got infected. The doctor didn’t know if it was a fungus or allergies, so he treated it for both. I think it may actually have been both. It went away, now it’s back again. I did discover that it was related to sinus problems. I started using a homemade neti pot. I was thinking that this might work for my eye twitching, too since sinuses and all the nerves in the head cavity are in the same vicinity. I keep a small, plastic bowl on my bedroom sink with a bulbous syringe and a small can of Mediterranean sea salt. Sea salt is best since it doesn’t sting as much. I shake the salt into the bowl (about 3-4 shakes with the small holes open), add water until 3/4 full, then take the syringe and fill it. Then I tip my head to the left and gently squeeze the salt water into my right nostril until it runs out my left nostril. Sometimes my sinuses are so plugged up that the water doesn’t go through. Then I repeat the entire operation on the left side with my head tilted to the right. I am not saying that this will cure eye twitching, but I think there might be a connection, especially if sinuses are plugged or infected. Just a thought.
Forgot to add that the neti pot costs a ton more if you buy the little teapot and salt packets in the pharmaceutical area (OTC), which is why I just make my own. After this morning procedure, get out the tissues and blow-it-out! It feels like spring cleaning in your brain. Absolutely wonderful! I know it sounds “ewwwww–gross,” but just give it a try. You will be hooked. Still twitching. Sorry I got off-topic.
UPDATE – Yesterday after reading most of this blog, I took one of my calcium, magnesium, zinc tablets. It helped me a lot. The twitching has died down to almost nil. After three weeks of suffering, I don’t think this was a fluke. I am going to take another one right now! To those “authors” here who think this is a joke, try thinking of having a thorn or sliver in your finger that you can’t get out–for the first few hours and days, it is annoying. Then it becomes unbearable if you can’t remove it. Well, that’s what eye and facial twitching is like. If it goes on too long, it becomes agony and can consume your entire day with misery. So if you do not suffer from this malady, at least have the decency to refrain from silly, asinine comments.
The twitching is a typical sign of magnesium deficiency. Buy some magnesium supplements and start taking them. Magnesium is essential for muscle health. This is a quick and safe remedy for your twitching eyes.
I’m surprised at how suddenly it started, I drink one cup of coffee a day, but that never made
My eye twitch before. I sleep plenty, but I don’t feel rested. Hopefully after this week it will stop,
Since I’m quitting my job on Sunday. Good luck to everyone else. I know how annoying it is.
My only question is could this be related to anything else more than stress, sleep and a vitamin deficiency? My twitch has been constant for about 2 weeks. :-/
I have a twitch under my right eye – right in the highly visible ‘baggy’ area. It came during what was probably a time of horrible stress, lasted for about a week and went away. During that week I took magnesium supplements, did all the ‘eye squeezing’ and it actually seemed to be interrupted as a result of the squeezing.
A couple of weeks went by, I didn’t take the magnesium while on holiday, and it’s back, and it’s set up camp for the last month. It twitches constantly, and hasn’t stopped since before Easter. Needless to say, I’ve taken many (every) supplement for the last month, done the squeezing, put ice on it (which stops it for a while, then it kicks up again), and I’m slowly losing my mind. I get enough sleep, don’t drink caffeine, the only thing that I do that’s on the common list of causes is use a computer. I even took Phenergan tablets, which is an antihistamine with muscle relaxant and have been bathing in epsom salts. The thing is, that nothing’s really any different than how it’s been for any number of years, I just have a twitch. I get sinus headaches, and have read there may be sinus issues involved in the process, but I don’t get the mucus stuff that others get.
So, I guess I wrote this more to vent than anything. I received a bottle of magnesium oil today, so I’m now using that. I just want it to go away. My doctor says the next step is Valium, but I’m not convinced it’ll work, and can’t really afford botox. It stopped for a glorious 2-3 hours the other day, and has since come right back. It sounds ridiculous – I know there are people out there with really severe health issues, but this is my rant, so that’s that. It’s just something I constantly think about (which obviously feeds into stress lol).
Sorry again to the owner of this blog for the hijack!
My eyelid has been twitching for over two weeks. I’m annoyed and sad. But, I’m glad im not alone. I really appreciate this site. It was a lot more helpful than WebMD. I’m going to stop drinking coffee and green tea every morning, take my vitamin B, and get some sleep. Unfortunately, the stress is always going to be around. If this doesn’t work, then I will see a doctor. Thank you.
My eyelid is twitching today and google sent me to you. Stupid internet!
This post is most intended for those who have suffered with an eye twitch long term—more than a couple months. I wrote on this blog a long time ago with my experience after having an eye twitch for three months (I just found my old post that I wrote January 9th, 2009 with a number of suggestions to try). It has now been over 2 1/2 years since the eye twitch began. I do still have it on occasion, but it is much improved! I go for weeks without it now, and it will just come back a few days at a time, then go away again for weeks. Just a little reminder to keep doing what I’ve been doing and not get off track. What follows is not medical advice, just the sharing of information I have come across elsewhere.
I have a new thought to share for those who have tried everything and the eye twitch still has not gone away. Completely eliminating nightshade family plants (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers) from your diet may be helpful. They contain an alkaloid called solanine which can cause nervous system disorders in sensitive people. (Read more here http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=george&dbid=62) Essentially, nightshades produce solanine as a pesticide which causes a disruption in the nervous system of insects and in that way protects the plant from predation. In sensitive people or in large doses it can cause that same disruption in humans by inhibiting cholinesterase which is an enzyme in the human body that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. When acetylcholine is not broken down a muscle continues to spasm or twitch. So, if you are eating foods (nightshades) that inhibit cholinesterase you could be exacerbating the twitching of muscles. Consider this especially if you have had muscles twitch other places on your body besides your eye and also if you have tried many other easier options without success. This needs to be done for at least one month and ideally three months to get a clear picture of whether it’s helping. For most people there won’t be a drastic impact within a shorter time frame. Remember, you can always add nightshades back in later if they are not the problem.
These are the things to try first that have helped me tremendously:
(1) Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day (that means if you weigh 150 lbs., then you need to drink 75 oz. of water per day and so on)
(2) Eliminate caffeine. This includes chocolate. Sorry! Try substituting a caffeine-free red tea like Rooibos or Honeybush
(3) Get 8-9 hours of sleep per night (this will compensate for the caffeine elimination)
(4) Find a way to decrease stress in your life (supplement your stress reduction with a practice of yoga, meditation, tai chi, trail running, spending time in nature, etc.)
(5) Take a high quality magnesium supplement and vitamin B complex daily
(6) Make sure you are eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and high quality (antibiotic free and hormone free) proteins like fish, chicken, and grass fed beef. Eat organic foods as much as possible.
(7) Eliminate artificial and processed food items as much as possible
(8) If you are taking any pharmaceuticals or recreational drugs, be aware that they are a possible cause and discuss this with your health care provider
(9) A naturopathic doctor will be hugely helpful in assisting you with this process
(10) Acupuncture, especially five element acupuncture has helped me tremendously
(11) Exercise! This will help reduce stress and help your body to function more optimally. This means 30 minutes or more of elevated HR 5x/week. Unfortunately my eye twitches a lot during exercise, but it goes away soon after.
(12) Massage; for some people this eye twitch could be the result of a compressed nerve (Cranial Nerve VII is the one that innervates the upper eye muscles)
(13) Counseling. This will help with underlying emotional stress which if not dealt with makes all disease processes worse including the eye twitch.
(14) On those days when it is just driving you nuts and nothing is helping, remember not to let it control your life (I know this is difficult when it affects reading, driving, etc). Just enjoy each day, keep doing what you want to be doing, and focus on all of the good things in your life! : )
If you do the above you will start to notice yourself feeling better in other ways as well. This eye twitch is an indicator that something is amiss. It’s your body’s warning signal, and something you should listen to in order to avoid chronic disease processes later on in life. Remember also that making these changes in your life won’t turn it around overnight. The eye twitch started after years of living a certain way, and it took the body a long time to get to this point in it’s efforts to send a message. Give it time, and know that you are increasing the overall quality of your life and health by bringing awareness to this, and that is a great thing!
I have also had an upper eyelid twitch since age 12 & I am now 48. The twitch is in the left eye only & is sometimes so strong that it pulls my forehead upward & it is so annoying. It seems to be a form of blepharospasm, but mmore twitching than blinking. I went to an eye doctor who said maybe it was a levelor muscle issue. Looks like we have a similar problem. Can anyone recommend a doctor or research center? Thank you.
Chronic Eyelid-twitching / Eye-blinking – Related Medical Information :
I have a theory about eye twitching.
Whatever the root cause is, I think it may be safe to assume that one of the symptoms, or behaviours associated with stress, lack of sleep, eye strain, etc, may simply be squinting. People who have broken sleep patterns, who wake up a number of times in the night may catch themselves squinting whilst trying to get back to sleep. People who are stressed tend to squint whilst they frown. People who use PC monitors, or who work in brightly lit areas tend to squint. Wouldn’t it make sense to assume that the muscles in the eyelids probably get tired, and that this can affect involuntary spasms somehow?
It’s just a theory. If you think about it for a while, you may be able to find ways to stop straining your eyelids for a few days to see if it improves. I’ve tried a number of different things, and they worked for me, but I suppose everyone is going to have a different mode and reason for over-working their eye(lid)s.
??? It sounds so stupid, it may just be right. :p
Yup, I totally agree with your remarks and points of views.
Well,under the situations & circumstances that you have described above, such annoying symptoms would usually come and go within a very short period of time and certainly the conditions would get better and better from time to time especially when certain related treatments are sought and administered to deal with the symptom.
However, under rare circumstances when the eye twitch symptom just get progressively and chronically and seriously unmitigated from bad to worse as well as seem to last permanently even when all sorts of related treatments are adminstered upon such illness to deal with it, such non-stop eye twitching symptom may then simply just manifest as one of the serious neuromuscular / neurological symptoms of :
# Tardive Dyskinesia (rapid involuntary uncontrollable eye blinking / eye twitching), which in most cases are caused by the neuromuscular / neurological side effects of certain powerful mind-altering medications and other neurological complications. Whilst the underlying mechanism of such a disease is such that the normal functionings of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine which co-ordinates the miscellaneous human body movements in this case are disturbed, antagonized and disrupted in this case resulting in one’s loss of control of human body movements, and in this case, one’s eye / eyelids organ.
http://www.bettervisionforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=399 – Various Possible Medical Causes of Unusual Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking – Brief Explanations
That just sounds so rigidly subjective. Perhaps the follows may mean something to the readers of this forum.
Well, all in all, eventually and ultimately, all people would believe that anyone seeking treatments for their chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders / problems would defintely want themselves to get fully cured under whatever reasons, situations and circumstances, and preferably, full recoveries once and for all.
Eye twitching is actually caused by numerous things. It’s sort of like headaches, muscle pain, or stomach aches. There are tons of different things that could be causing those things as a symptom. Here is a good list of the causes of eye twitching:
Lack of Sleep
Vitamin Deficiency
Eye Strain
Pinched Nerve
Neurological Disorder
Take from http://eyetwitching.net/
Really…..Really……that’s all I’ve got to say.The post people make are more helpful then the actual site…….
After taking Vicodin for a broken arm I experienced lower eyelid twitching. I started to take b vitamins and fish oil and it went away in a day or two. Hope this helps!
Yup, I can’t agree more. But how about this particular cause of Tardive Dyskinesia ? http://www.bettervisionforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2&page=5
Hello just thought i would tell you one thing.. This is 2 times now i’ve landed on the blog inside the last 3 weeks hunting for totally unrelated things. Spooky or what?
Objectively, on one would hardly know or figure out for sure as to what are the meaningful points that you are referring to through those remarks above. Whilst in terms of Blepharospasm, chronic eyelid twitching & eye blinking disorders, there are indeed certain important points of facts to be deeply considered before making any important decisions to deal with all these problems. http://www.bettervisionforums.com/forums/showthread.php?399-Various-Possible-Medical-Causes-of-Unusual-Eyelid-Twitching-Eye-Blinking-Brief-Ex/page2
Thanks for the humorous explaination of the twiching. Makes things a whole lot better…lol
Humorous ? So be it then. Whilst the key point is practically whether
the related readers facing the related problems would actually get anything useful at all from any information they obtain.
Hi ya all! I need to give you some advice guys. Whenever your eye lid twitch, upper lid or lower lid, observe yourself and things happenning around you. Normally it’s good or bad. Unless if you feel some pain when it twitches but if no pain its just an alert to you. That’s how it is for me.
Medical reasonings ?
Ugh I’m SooOooo happy to know that I’m not actually the only one out there this has happened too!!! Grant it, we have all had spasms before, but my eyelid has been doing this for over 3 weeks now!!! Everyday, all day. I’m to the point where I want to stab myself in the eye with a fork!!! Lol. I also get PLENTY of sleep, don’t drink coffee, I don’t have much stress other than the norm of what people deal with……..and I take plenty of potassium and vitamin B, so none of these are the issue. I’ve seen my eye doc, who sent me to get an MRI…..no solution was found, they thought it might be a small infection…..I’ve taken antibiotics and a script to flush out my eyes daily also.
I’ll letcha know if the crap doctors in Veg-ASS ever figure it out. 😉
That’s meant for the poor & needy ones who cannot afford to pay for anything to deal with the related problems.
I LOLed SO HARD when I read “Myo-” is the Greek root for “eye,” I am used to people trying to translate greek words and failing but this is totally..just… xD
”myo” is the greek name for MUSCLE,and kymia means VIBRATING,comes from the word kyma,which means wave.Muscle-vibrating in other words,not so strange.So there you go
stab it with a knife that should solve twitching!!!!
What do you say about it ? http://www.healthlinks.net/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1121/Is_Healthcare_a_right_or_a_res#Post1121
Finally! Someone suggested taking vitamins and minerals. I’m with you, I sleep lots, don’t have stress much and I mean I just woke up from a nap and the damn thing is twitching like hell. I don’t drink coffee or related cafinated beverages and hardly eat sugar.
Ok scuse me while I take my Bvitamin and potassium. I’ll let ya know if the uber annoying twitching that has been twitching for two weeks stops.
My eye has been twitching for like ten days now and i can’t stand it does anyone know if it is harmful because i have googled and it says it can be harmful if it happens for over a month so i was just wondering how it wpuld be dangerous help please thanks!
Hi All,
I do not have any idea about this problem. However, i am having this problem from last 20 years or so.
My remedy may seem ridiculous but it works for me each time i have the problem.My mother told me about this, and many other in my village used to do it.
Take a small flap of green plant leaf (which can stick to the upper eye lid when mostened by a bit of your own saliva). Wet it by your tounge. Stick to your upper eyelid for 15 to 30 minutes.
Please do not laugh, but try once. You me get rid of the problem.
For all of those wondering whether or not the twitch is a vitamin or potassium deficiency: during muscle contraction sodium and potassium pumps, gates, and channels are opened up and released allowing the muscle to contract. My hypothesis is that those who do get enough sleep, don’t drink excess caffeine, and are not stressed may lack certain vitamins and minerals. Try eating two bananas each day and/or try daily vitamins with high potassium. This might help. (This is just a breif summary of muscle contraction. If you would like more google it.
Hello, I have been getting the eye twitch ever since i was a young girl and when it twitches something negative always happens, like its always a warning sign for me and I always try and move with precaution.
i noticed my right eyelid started twitching every time my daughters loser boyfriend came over. after a few months with him, now my bottom lid on left side has constsantly been twitching and twitches faster when he comes to visit her. i guess people really can ‘get on your nerves’. also im convinced all twitches will stop if she would just kick his crazy buut to the curb
I have been having eyelid twitches for weeks and today I took a muscle relaxant and instantly it stopped. I believe the muscles along the side of my head above the jaw at about ear level were too tight and somehow pressing on nerves that caused the twitching. Taking a muscle relaxant allowed for them to relax. So if you grind your teeth or have stress or like me wear a sleep apnea mask that requires me to keep my mouth closed tightly all night so the air doesnt blow out my mouth. I believe that once you find out what is causing these muscles to be so tight, you will find the twitching will end.
Some people here have put some good information in their comments. There are a lot of comments because this is a common problem due to the way we live today: highly stressed, highly medicated and poorly fed. You may think you are eating well, but there are dangers lurking in the supermarket you may know nothing about. Discovering them is a personal quest most do not take until health issues force them to do their own research.
I stay away from drugs and medications as much as possible, personally. There are those, however, who will take whatever their doctors prescribe without question. Some of those medications have toxic ingredients and can lead to auto-immune disorders. Ciproflaxin, for instance, commonly prescribed for bladder infections, is one of a whole family of drugs that contain fluoride. These drugs can cause auto-immune disorders and other problems, such as with your tendons.
Some prescription drugs and foods will deplete the body or cause malabsorption of certain vitamins. Isoniazid, for example, used to treat TB, does something to the body that permanently causes malabsorption of vitamin B. In fact, the antidote for an overdose of this drug is vitamin B6. Deprivation of B vitamins can lead to a whole family of mental illnesses, MS and irritablity and twitchies.
An example of a food blocking absorption of vitamins is Canola oil. It specifically blocks the absorption of vitamin E.
Our bodies require a balance of vitamins and minerals to function properly. Stress causes the body to utilize B vitamins at a faster rate and you can easily become depleted of B vitamins when you are having a difficult time. Food is only as nutritious as the soil it grows in, and animal meat is only as good as the food the animals eat. Some people avoid red meat, but it is an excellent source of B vitamins and there is no need to fear the dangers cited against eating red meat if the animals are pastured organically and not fed GMOs, especially corn.
Love the comments and possibilities. I even looked in the eye to see if there was anything alive in there causing the twitch. Actually saw this once when I was working in the operating room. It is true. The person had been visiting in Africa. Low and behold there was a small worm like creature that peaked out of the conjunctiva, we got him. Twitching gone!!!!
I had twitching starting in December, when I began juicing. I was eating super healthy – all organic mainly fruits and vegetables, etc, but I started twitching all over my body. I desperately searched the possible reasons, from too much potassium with my blood pressure medicine, eating too many nightshade vegetables, or eat too much celery, too much vitamin A, or too many toxins were being released, etc. Finally, I had stopped juicing for about 10 days and had reduced my consumption of vegetables and the twitching had been reduced to occasional twitch in my eyebrow. I juiced again and I was twitching like a bug all over my body within a half hour of drinking the juice. I then remembered that our local grocery store had had blackberries on sale for a $1 a pint since the beginning of December. And I noticed whenever I consumed a few pints, my twitching would increase. So I thought maybe they spray a fungicide on the vegetables and fruit to keep them from growing mold and going bad. So after a few days I went to wholefoods and bought all my produce and juiced. I drank nearly a half a gallon of juice that morning and nothing – no twitching at all. Since I have stopped eating produce from that store, I have not been twitching. Apparently, I had developed an allergic reaction to the whatever they spray on their produce, my wife and kids dont have the reaction like i do. I guess some ppl are more sensitive than others. I wanted to share what I found out,so others dont spend weeks going to doctors or trying to find the cause. Try going to wholefoods. btw I was buying organic produce from the other grocery store but since it carries mainly conventional, I doubt they spend the time to treat the organic produce differently and end up spraying everything with fungicide or whatever.
Many ideas raised. Good luck to you all then.