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Finally, West Wing DVDs

September 29th, 2003

Finally, after four years on the air, the first season of Aaron Sorkin’s The West Wing is coming out on DVD, and they seem to be doing it right. For some time, The West Wing has been available on DVD only from the U.K., and that was just a plain set of episodes, no special features. In addition, the DVDs were Region 2, meaning they could only be played in some countries (U.K., Japan, Middle East), they were in the PAL format, not playable on American TV sets anyway, and to top it off, the First Season set was 45 pounds (currency, not weight), or about $71.

The new set available in the U.S. is priced at $39 (from Amazon) and includes special features such as commentary by Aaron Sorkin on five episodes (with others joining him on a few), deleted scenes, bloopers, and short documentaries.

First season episodes are: “Pilot,” “Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc,” “A Proportional Response,” “Five Votes Down,” “The Crackpots and These Women,” “Mr. Willis of Ohio,” “The State Dinner,” “Enemies,” “The Short List,” “In Excelsis Deo,” “Lord John Marbury,” “He Shall, From Time to Time…,” “Take Out The Trash Day,” “Take This Sabbath Day,” “Celestial Navigation,” “20 Hours In L.A.,” “The White House Pro-Am,” “Six Meetings Before Lunch,” “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet,” “Mandatory Minimums,” “Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics,” and “What Kind of Day Has It Been.”

Release date has been seat for November 18th, but you can pre-order now.

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