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Okay, Maybe I’m Reaching

April 21st, 2008

But still, this news is rather interesting:

75837 C450

NTT Docomo says the logo will go into regular use from July 1st. It is being introduced as part of a broader overhaul of strategy which the company hopes will help it regain momentum in the mobile market. If you want to read the new mission statement, it is here (Japanese).

Hmm… A new logo and a push to “regain momentum in the mobile market”… which just happens to take place at almost exactly the time Apple is expected to release the new 3G iPhone and version 2 of the iPhone software, namely after the June WWDC conference in mid-June.

Like I said, maybe I’m reaching, but nevertheless coincidences like this should raise red flags.

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  1. Marc
    April 21st, 2008 at 21:20 | #1

    I always thought that Softbank was also a strong contender for Japanese iPhone distribution ?

  2. April 22nd, 2008 at 07:25 | #2

    That’s great. I’m moving to Tokyo next year so this is going to be juuust great.

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