Bizarro Piraro
May 25th, 2008
How men feel:
One of my favorite cartoons in Bizarro, by Dan Piraro. It’s a more sophisticated successor to The Far Side. I don’t know how I missed finding out about his blog, where he features and discusses his comics, in addition to some other rather comically uncomical commentary, and celeb+Piraro photos. Maybe because it’s only been around for four or five months. But I’m adding it to my daily bookmarks, and may add it to my LinkBoard™ as soon as I get around to redesigning it. Won’t he be honored.
It may surprise some of you to know that I was sort of a “teen for Jesus” for a few years back in the early 70s, and went through some of the sort of evangelical Christian indoctrination that the film [Jesus Camp] depicts. I was older than the kids in the film, and so was better able to form my own opinions about what they were teaching. Still, it is difficult for kids to discern between fact and fiction, and I believe that heavy indoctrination in anything as a child has the potential to cloud your reasoning skills later on. The ease of the Neo-cons and Fox News in convincing people that the ridiculous things they were spouting were true, and everything the rest of the world was saying was false, is a case in point.