More on Forgery
How about this: Someone has stepped up claiming that the forged Kenyan Obama birth certificate is actually his birth certificate, from South Australia. He claims it has been freely available on a genealogy web site, and certainly is higher-resolution than Taitz’ version. While it could be a forgery based upon the forgery, I would not be in the least surprised if it were genuine and the template for the Taitz document.
Here are the two documents (click for larger version):
I had to use Photoshop to distort the Taitz document–shown only at an angle–to make the side-by-side comparison. Note that the Taitz document cuts out a section in the middle, but otherwise the two are identical. I would hazard a guess that if the Taitz document was copied, it was not a photographic copy, but simply a forgery based upon the appearance of the first one–lay the Australian document down in an app like InDesign and then create the forged one on top of it, the purpose being to simulate a real document in an attempt to make it look credible.
With every passing day, there is more and more reason to believe that the Taitz document is not only a forgery, but a poorly-made one as well. Within 24 hours, several points proving it to be fake surfaced, with many more coming every day thereafter.
But I have to admit, it is fun to go on about how pathetic these losers are.
Sad thing is if it turns out that this birth certificate was not the source, the people who called liberals crazy liars over the Bush’s guard papers ‘forgeries’ (you remember when someone ‘proved’ that the papers were forged simply because a modern word processor could produce something that looked just liked the type written document, which is the point of word processing software) will be calling liberals crazy liars again!