You’d Think They’d Check by Now
Predictably, Republicans are launching scathing attacks against Obama for sending out “Holiday” cards from the White House:
A Republican lawmaker with a mission to save Christmas is aiming his latest salvo at President and first lady Obama, who’ve followed in a recent tradition to eliminate the mention of Christmas in the White House holiday cards.
The card selected by the Obamas announces: “Season’s Greetings.” Inside, it reads: “May your family have a joyous holiday season and a new year blessed with hope and happiness.”
But Rep. Henry Brown, R-S.C., said abandoning Christmas at Christmas is just plain wrong. On Tuesday, he introduced a resolution calling for the protection of the sanctity of Christmas. So far, 44 lawmakers, Democrat and Republican, have co-signed the bill.
“I believe that sending a Christmas card without referencing a holiday and its purpose limits the Christmas celebration in favor of a more ‘politically correct’ holiday,” Brown told Fox News Radio on Thursday.
Even Fox News, in the above report, mentions that George W. Bush sent out “Holiday” cards, though they only mention the 2008 card–and they call the “Holiday” card a “recent trend” (and they use “Democrat” as an adjective).
David Greenberg of Slate noted, however, that it’s hardly a “recent trend,” as Eisenhower first sent out “Seasons’ Greetings” in the 50’s. Reagan sent out “Holiday” cards for most of his term, as did Dubya (though he included Old testament passages inside, which mollified only some Christmas Warriors).
The point is, after the long string of accusations against Obama for things that many presidents have done before, including his ardently Conservative Christian predecessor, don’t you think that Conservatives would, by now, be checking to see if their accusations are hypocritical? And at least modifying their accusations to match?
But they aren’t; instead, they are simply demonstrating, quite baldly, that they want to attack Obama for the sake of attacking Obama, and hypocrisy doesn’t bother them. Obama could sneeze and they attack him for not blessing himself. Frankly, I’m surprised they haven’t attacked him for being left-handed yet.
The problem is Obama is a Democrat, black and liberal.
Therefore anything and everything he does is wrong and un-American.
The skinheadification of the Republican party continues, unabated.
Attack. Attack. Attack.
This is politics, or what has become of it.
Republicans are gonna need those 20M+ Christian voters to get back into power.