Home > Travel > Fireworks


July 18th, 2004

They always hold a fireworks show over the racing track in Fuchu (visible only after going behind the hills in back of my building), and every year I forget to find out when it is, and I miss it. I only find out about it when I hear booming sounds from inside my apartment, and then I go out–and, like tonight, after 10 minutes of walking to get within view, the show ended less than a minute later. Yargh.

At least I was able to get a few shots off from the ending spurt–and now I’m reminded again to look up the local shows. In the U.S., all fireworks are on the same day, July 4, so you can only see the one. In Japan, there are shows all summer long. One of them is visible right out my dining room window; a nice show. This year, it’s scheduled for July 25th–August 11 if the weather turns bad. Good thing I heard this other show, I might have missed the big one!

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