Hot Enough for You?
This February, conservatives (especially on Fox) had a ball mocking global warming–more than that, they seriously attacked the validity of global climate change–because of massive snowstorms that hit the east coast. Steven Colbert mocked them back, calling them “peek-a-boo-ologists” for having no greater scope of attention that the current time and place. Other pointed out that such snowstorms were fully consistent with global warming trends, as higher temperatures evaporate more water into the atmosphere, allowing for more snowfall in colder seasons. The conservatives ignored this, and instead kept on talking about how cold it was, and how could “global warming” be taken seriously when there was so much snow piled up outside my front door. They had a grand old time.
When April brought early heat waves to the same areas earlier hit by the February snowstorm, conservatives simply paid no attention.
But how about now? We are seeing record-breaking heat waves all around the world. Russia is suffering from the worst drought in 130 years combined with the record temperatures as its heat wave destroys crops. India, Japan, Iraq, China, the United States–all suffering from heat waves. Record-breaking heat is also hitting Kuwait, Iraq, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, and Pakistan.
The heat wave is global, and 2010 is set to be one of the world’s hottest years on record.
Proof of global warming? Not exactly–but it is fully consistent with it, just as February’s snowstorms were, and is one more point of data contributing towards its validity.
More to the point, the “peek-a-boo-ologists” on the conservative side seemed to be quite content with taking current weather conditions as more than enough evidence to make up their minds.
Now? Fox News, for example, is silent. As far as I can tell, the right-wing blogs are ignoring the issue, and conservative radio and TV personalities are staying quiet on the story as well. Not a peep from the right.
Gee whiz, I wonder why not?
I find this whole thing shocking.
Presumably even conservatives have children that will inherit the affects of global warming. The downside to global warming is so severe that it is hard to believe people would campaign against it.
This is just more evidence that the Republican party is an implement for obstruction on all issues. Personally, I wish that there was no Senate – or at least the two houses of Congress should be forced to merge. The senate is only contributing to a global collapse of civilization, courtesy of the Republican party.
Republicans are big on wishful thinking.
Hey, let’s cut taxes, we’ll collect more revenue.
Let’s go liberate the Iraqis, it’ll be a cakewalk.
Then there’s the whole fundamentalist thing about the US being a special creation of their God, and that they themselves are special creations poofed onto this planet 10,000 years ago and not just tailless monkeys like the evidence tells us.