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An Overlooked Question

September 15th, 2004

Critics point out that Bush failed to take a physical exam required of him by the Texas Air National Guard in 1972, and this got his flight status revoked.

The White House counters that Bush didn’t take the physical because he “was not going to be flying.” Okay, even if we ignore earlier conflicting White House claims about that issue, let’s say that what they now say is true. Bush was not going to be flying.

So here’s the question: why was Bush not going to be flying?

Bush had entered the Guard claiming that he wanted to make flying a part of his life. He has commented on how important flying was to him. Was being a flunky on the campaign staff for a House seat in Alabama more important than that? And why go permanently off of flight status? He would have returned after a few months, why would he not fly again after that?

When you think about it, it doesn’t make too much sense. A physical exam only takes, what, an hour? I don’t think I have ever heard the president say why he made that decision. I’d like to hear it asked, because the only explanation that comes close to making sense is this one.

Categories: Bush and Character, Political Ranting Tags: by
  1. Parker in US
    October 13th, 2004 at 13:06 | #1

    Bush sreved his time in the guard and was honerably discharged. Bush has also executed all the necessary paperwork to have his entire military records released. On the other hand Kerry has not executed the paperwork to release his military records, Why? There is skeletons in there somewhere!

  2. Luis
    October 13th, 2004 at 15:04 | #2

    Bush sreved his time in the guard…No he didn’t. Even by the records given by the Bush administration and assuming no doctoring, the hours don’t add up to full service–they just say it does. And that’s assuming he actually served as recorded, which is in great doubt. …and was honerably discharged.Which means nothing. Getting an honorable discharge simply means they booted you out and you didn’t tick them off that much. People got honorable discharges under questionable circumstances fairly often, and having a rich and powerful family would have been a great way to get such a discharge when it was not earned. Bush has also executed all the necessary paperwork to have his entire military records released.Again, so they say. But after claiming that they’ve released “all the documents,” they have released more documents four times, usually because they were forced to through FOI lawsuits. Additionally, there are a large number of documents that absolutely should have survived but have not been produced yet.On the other hand Kerry has not executed the paperwork to release his military records, Why? There is skeletons in there somewhere!What records specifically? Cite your source.

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