
March 21st, 2011

The big full moon is out. I don’t have a telescope, but a 300mm zoom lens will do OK for tonight. Here are some pictures as the moon dodged in and out of fast-moving clouds. Really very pretty, even if it did look quite different to the naked eye. The second to last has a larger version on click.








And then here’s a video of the clouds moving in front of the moon. Don’t be fooled by the poster image for the video, the quality is better than that–but not great. It’s taken with the iPhone 4, no zoom, but imported into iMovie which can crop & zoom. Still, it gives you a small idea of how lovely it was. Just gotta use your imagination a little…

Categories: Focus on Japan 2011, Hibarigaoka Tags: by
  1. Troy
    March 21st, 2011 at 01:21 | #1

    Last week someone said that the upside of the power crisis is that they could see the stars in Tokyo!

    The Japanese have been talking a good game about going green, looks like now you Japanese will be given the opportunity.

    What I want to know is where the * is Asimo!

  2. ken sensei
    March 21st, 2011 at 13:44 | #2

    The news has been all over this “Super Moon” story, but the rain/clouds have prevented us from seeing much, just like the lunar eclipse in Shanghai in 2009….
    Thanks for sharing those photos with us. I hope to get a glimpse of it over the net couple of nights.
    The 300mm lens does a nice job. You have a tripod, too? It’s a must for those long exposures.

  3. Luis
    March 21st, 2011 at 13:49 | #3

    Ken: Actually, all these photos are hand-held. The moon was pretty bright. However, it didn’t really look like a “super moon.” I think the difference is mostly apparent if you really look at the moon a lot and small differences are significant to you.

  4. ken sensei
    March 22nd, 2011 at 11:49 | #4

    Anyway, very nice shots for a hand held long exposure.

    The rain cleared momentarily in Calif and got a nice glimpse of the (nearly) full moon last night. I also noticed the intense brightness and the range of detail. Hope to catch a view of it again tonight!

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