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iPad on the Way

March 15th, 2012

I ordered one of the new iPads (32 GB WiFi model) early in the morning Japan time after it was announced, and from March 10 I got tracking info from Yamato Takkyubin that the package had been registered in China (and left China on the 13th). After a few days of no movement, suddenly this showed up:

Screen Shot 2012-03-15 At 1.52.35 Pm

The “ADSC” is apparently the “Apple Delivery Support Center” in Shinagawa (not far from here in Tokyo), which the tracking page claims the unit left at the same time it arrived. Not that it’s out for delivery–Apple undoubtedly has strict orders that nothing is delivered until 8 am tomorrow morning (late afternoon on the 15th, U.S. time), but at least I know that it’s in town and ready to go. So it’s probably headed for a local distribution node to stand by for delivery tomorrow.

I will be slightly peeved if it doesn’t get to me before I leave for work; usually I get woken up by deliveries I don’t care about one way or the other. To have this one be late would be a tad annoying.

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  1. Tim Kane
    March 15th, 2012 at 23:38 | #1

    Congrats on getting the new device. Looking forward to the review.

  2. Troy
    March 16th, 2012 at 07:20 | #2


    Like I said last time, this is the “Troy can now commute from Hiyoshi no-problem” device.

    Man, with working LTE, I could live in Fujisawa no problem : )

    A seat and an iPad, what else do you need in this world : )

    Laptops could never work on trains, but iPads are like perfect.

    Though I wouldn’t want to break an iPad out on a bus in the US : (

  3. Luis
    March 16th, 2012 at 08:25 | #3

    Except that, bizarrely, Softbank is NOT offering the LTE iPad. I have no idea why not–they announced the opening of an LTE network just before the iPad 3 came out. Maybe something went wrong with it….

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