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Rumsfeld Lied

December 11th, 2004

Yamantaka at The Expat pointed out this story coming out about how Rumsfeld could have ordered the extra armor for the Humvees all along. However, not only did he not order it, he has still not ordered it–the supplier of the armor says they have not received an order from the army yet.

Remember, Rumsfeld said that money was not an issue. The companies that make the armor and the vehicles themselves said that they could ramp up production no problem. About half the soldiers injured and killed in Iraq were hit by homemade bombs and rocket-propelled grenades, the kind of attack from which the armor would help protect the soldiers.

In short, Rumsfeld is simply letting the troops get maimed and killed, for no good reason. And then he lied to that soldier about it being an issue of being able to do it. Swell. I would join Yamantaka’s call to fire Rumsfeld; the only problem is, I know that Bush would simply put someone even worse in his place. So the better idea is to shame and humiliate Rumsfeld into doing his job.

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