Easy for Him to Say, Now
June 9th, 2005
Chris Seibold, in an article for Apple Matters, wrote:
Witness the people hauling around first generation TiBooks holding out for the (never to come) G5 laptop. People have been guessing that a G5 PowerBook was just around the corner for two or three years and have waited for it accordingly. Wouldn’t their overall computing experience have been better if they had gone ahead and purchased a new PowerBook when they first felt the need?
Now, if he’d written that before the Mactel announcement, I would have given him more credit. Right now, it’s unmistakably clear in hindsight. So thanks, Chris, for being paid to state the bleeding obvious after the fact.
I think you could get more punch for your $ by spending the $2500 differently, since you are ONLY increasing your processor speed by 2x (800M to 1.6M) w/ this proposed new purchase.
What about spending $2.5K on:
* 1gb of ram for your power book, to help
it run faster
* 26″ lcd HD dvi monitor w/ built in TV from
DELL for $1200:
* external usb keyboard and trackball so that
you can work w/ your powerbook in front of
that 26″ lcd montor w/o hurting your back
* nice lazyboy chair to watch movies on that
26″ monitor and the tivo box
* with the left over $, save your money for a rainy day !
What about this. Put $500 into a cannon sd500 camera (6oz, 7m pix, FULL MOTIO VIDEO, audio recording) which is so small you can carry it with you when you go out. Always when you go out, since it is so small (about the size of a pack of cards). Then, when you see something during the day that you want to write about, you can snap a pic and include it with the text on the Blog. Check out the quality of the picture from this tiny camera:
* 1gb of ram for your power book, to help it run fasterThat would double my current RAM (I’d have to toss the 256 MB chip that came with the machine, so the net gain would be only 768 MB), but it would not help so much. A bit of a speed increase, but only a small notch compared to the rather large leap a new ‘Book would get me.* 26″ lcd HD dvi monitor w/ built in TV from DELL for $1200:I already have a TV bigger than that, and the only you list would not function properly in Japan, not to mention the Japanese version would cost a lot more.* external usb keyboard and trackball so that you can work w/ your powerbook in front of that 26″ lcd montor w/o hurting your backHave one, but don’t use it with the ‘Book because I usually don’t use my portable on my desk at home.* nice lazyboy chair to watch movies on thatGot one.What about this. Put $500 into a cannon sd500 camera (6oz, 7m pix, FULL MOTIO VIDEO, audio recording) which is so small you can carry it with you when you go out. Nice thought, but I just bought a camera I’m happy with.