George W. Bush’s Redacted Bill of Rights
March 24th, 2006
I decided to redo the “amended” Bill of Rights under Bush, figuring that since the Bush administration is classifying everything they consider embarrassing, a “redacted” version of the Bill of Rights would be much more appropriate. I have included the secret finding signed by Bush to make it official. I hope the redaction shows up correctly–I had to fool around with tables a lot to get it to come out right. Let me know if it shows up okay on your browser.
Ok, I’m very late to the table here and very new to blogs and posting comments but I’m trying to get permission to offer this redacted Bill of Rights on my website,
We are encouraging participation in the General Strike on Nov. 6, 2007 and monthly thereafter and would like to let people print this and hand it out.
Meanwhile I’ll put a link on the site so people can find this.
Thanks so much for posting this
Thank you for asking! Please feel free to use either the Amended Bill of Rights: (this is the copy in the present version of the blog)
…and/or the Redacted Bill of Rights:
I only ask that if you do so, please give credit (“Luis at the Blog from Another Dimension”) and a link back to the blog in general or the specific page(s).
And good luck!
Thanks, will do