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A Day in Minami Osawa

August 11th, 2003

Yesterday, I went to meet Hiromi at Minami-Osawa Station, four stops away from my own. There was a flea market there, and Hiromi, being the veteran flea market shopper, wanted to check it out. It was a beautiful day (see photo below, a view out my dining room window) for most of the day, but then in the morning, it was a furnace, in the high 30’s (C).

On the train ride there, I was, as usual, playing with my camera, taking shots out the front window of the head car of the train. Unexpectedly, I got the shot below:

The effect was created by setting the focus and light balance while still in the tunnel, leading to a one-second exposure time, but then coming to the end of the tunnel, creating a burst of light.

The flea market itself was fun–small, but there were more good things to buy there than at many larger ones. Hiromi bought several blouses, a t-shirt, a dress, and a new wallet. I found less to my interest, but did get an unopened package of 5.25-inch floppies, the kind not often seen since the mid-eighties, when the 3.5-inch floppies crowded them out. I’m not using them in a computer (no museum pieces in my collection, quite), but they will serve very well to show my Computer students what the old floppies look like–being under 20 years of age, most have them have never even seen an old-style floppy.

After the flea market, Hiromi and I went to cool off at Starbucks, and in a pleasant turn of events found a few of the comfy chairs in the back open. We sat down, had out latte and frappuccinos, and, of course, snapped a few more photos. The one below is my favorite, of Hiromi fanning herself.

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