Follow-up on the Filibuster
Do a Google News search. Search first for the word “filibuster.” I got 3007 results today. Now, do a search for the term “60 votes,” in quotes. I got 4582 results. Do a search of the term “60 votes” and exclude the word “filibuster.” I got 2889 results.
In another variation, if you search for “Senate” and “block” and exclude the word “filibuster,” you get 4658 results.
It’s pretty clear that the majority of media authors out there are avoiding the word “filibuster,” even at a time when the Democratic leadership is doing everything in its power to highlight both the term and the fact that this is exactly what the Republicans are doing.
Now, that’s pretty significant, especially considering how easily the media ran wild with the word “filibuster” when the Democratic minority was using the procedure, and Republicans were calling attention to it. That’s understandable–a filibuster is a filibuster. But to not use the term in a majority of cases, especially when the word itself is a prime focus of the story of the day–that’s pretty flabbergasting. It’s like Bush vetoing a bill, but reporters do everything they can to avoid using the actual word “veto.” It takes effort to do that, to not use the most natural and best-descriptive word about a situation. It’s like writing a 700-word essay on water without actually using the word “water.” Try it–it takes conscious effort.
Meanwhile, Media Matters has the rather incredible story that some news organizations who are using the term “filibuster” are actually claiming that it’s the Democrats who are doing the filibustering! That’s not just Fox News, it’s also ABC. If you thought it took effort to not use the word at all, how much effort does it take to use it in reverse? The answer is probably both “a lot” and “none at all.” That is to say, it takes a lot of effort to use it in such a way knowingly, and no effort at all if you’re too dumb to know the difference.
Today’s story brought to you by the Liberal Media™.
I’ve noticed that at least a few of the NPR stories on the filibuster do not use the term filibuster. Darned liberal NPR!
Well, what can you do? It’s those leftist pinko commies at PBS, right? They run, NPR, don’t they? And the NEA, if I’m not mistaken. All a conspiratorial network run by Julia Child. (Don’t believe those rumors about her dying three years back–all a cover so she could run the Liberal Media into even higher anti-patriotic frenzy!)