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Around the Blog in 80 Days

October 21st, 2003

Hey, I just realized I’ve done 80 days of blogging without missing a single day. It’s been my intention not to miss a day, but usually I am not so good at keeping up with things. Missed only three days since four months ago in mid-June, when I got lazy and missed two full days. But to make up, I often post more than once a day. Quite often–I started posting regularly in May, about 170 days ago, and am up to post #330 now.

Now if only I could do the same with exercising….

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  1. Will Fife
    October 22nd, 2003 at 06:43 | #1

    I’ve found for me that the best way to exercise regularly was to find some physical activity that I love. In my case it was Martial arts. Since you are in Japan, there couldn’t be a better chance to give that a try. You’ll probably end up loving it, as long as you go some place that isn’t ultra traditional. :)

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