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Sounds Like A Snoozer

May 4th, 2008

I read a news article about the Romanovs just now, and I remembered something funny from more than a decade back. I had been working part-time at a movie theater in San Francisco, and we had displays up for the animated film Anastasia (that would have made it 1997). A couple with a young child were walking into the theater; the youngster saw the display and excitedly pleaded with his parents, “Mommy! Daddy! I want to see Anesthesia!

True story.

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  1. May 4th, 2008 at 10:49 | #1

    My chiropractor’s receptionist’s name is Anastasia and that’s what I always hear when she answers the phone…”Hello, this is “Back to Basics”, Anesthesia speaking!”

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