Nibbled to Deception by Ducks
Well, it has been nine days so far since Senator Ray LaHood claimed that we were “this close” to cathcing Saddam Hussein. “Imminent,” the stories said. Is more than nine days “imminent”?
The reason I protest is because I feel that such claims (see my prior story) serve to create false impressions to mislead the public. Example: Bush and his administration dropped so many rumors, hints and indirect, unproven allegations that Saddam was involved in 9/11 that almost 70% of the American people believed it to be a fact.
Ever since we entered Iraq and found that the massive stockpiles of WMD were not there, we have been hearing similar reports, including false and/or later disproven claims regarding WMD in Iraq, as well as several claims–by members of Congress and prominent journalists–that evidence had indeed been found but we just had to wait a little for the official announcement to be forthcoming. This latest claim is just another in that series.
I have the strong feeling that, were a poll taken today, a majority of Americans would believe that we have found proof of WMD in Iraq–which is again why I object to the hint-dropping. It could simply be a politician passing on a rumor they gave too much credence to, but the fact that they are all coming from conservative politicians and pundits, and that there are such a steady stream of them, makes me just a wee bit suspicious.