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August 1st, 2008
Categories: BlogTech Tags: by
  1. stevetv
    August 2nd, 2008 at 03:44 | #1

    Is my computer going to self-destruct?

  2. Luis
    August 2nd, 2008 at 04:22 | #2

    Gee whiz, I hope not. But to be honest with you, I think mine is… from the major hammering of spam I’ve been taking. I’ve had to manually dismiss about 200 spam messages that got stuck in my spam filters. None have gotten through to my blog… but Askimet is not filtering these out, and I have to deal with them one by one. Yarghhh…

  3. Bobbeh
    August 2nd, 2008 at 08:55 | #3

    What defcom level are we at and why

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