Yes, This Guy Is Our President
August 11th, 2008
Bush’s frat-boy persona appears to resurface:
But hey, don’t worry; he’s only representing the United States of America at the Olympics, that’s all. Figures that of all of the sports he would choose to dive into, it’d be women’s beach volleyball. Me, I like the food stains on his shirt. Classy.
As I recall, while New Orleans was drowning, Bush and McCain cut birthday cake, and Bush played a guitar.
Now our ally in the Caucus isthmus, Georgia, has just been invaded by Russia and it’s Navy has formed a blockade. Meanwhile Bush is playing grab ass with the womens beach volley ball team and shaking hands with Putin.
The moron express.
Oh dear GOD. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny: “What a maroon!”
What. A. Loser.
Let’s break it down. Politicians favorite Olympic sports:
Bush: Beach volleyball
Obama: Basketball
Cheney: Shooting (duh)
McCain: Napping unless he sees something shiny
Edwards: swimming (esp treading hot water)
Hillary: Basketball(“supports” obama) and weight-lifting(likes carrying around dead weight as her spouse)
Bill: basketball (supports hillary but always roots for the opponent of Obamas fav team). He also like Pole vaulting and the javelin throw.
In the words of Mel Brooks, “It’s good to be king.”