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The Big Four-Zero

June 8th, 2004

Funny, I don’t feel any different. But then, I never did put much stock in age milestones. Transitions are far more gradual than that, and don’t usually fall in step with odometer changes.

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  1. dveej
    June 8th, 2004 at 12:52 | #1

    YON-JUU!!! Ah yes, I remember mine (2 years ago) well. You will now care about the taste of Metamucil vs. Fibercon. All things bowel will now assume almost equal importance with all things uro-genital; one criterion for selecting a domicile will be whether it has a bathtub. You will start thinking about what you are going to do for retirement, and where, and how much you need to save. You will buy a red sportscar, or get a young girlfriend, or take up a new artform, or learn to cook or do woodworking or play guitar, or start gardening. You may well become obsessed with diet and health and start buying expensive fish oil (been there).
    From now on you will wish you knew then what you know now, and that you could do now what you did then.
    Welcome to the second chance!

  2. June 8th, 2004 at 16:27 | #2

    Happy Birthday, Luis! I hope you’ve spent the day just as you’d have wanted to!

  3. Ron
    June 8th, 2004 at 17:16 | #3

    Congratulations, Luis!!
    On the 11th anniversary of your 29th birthday! A milestone in anyone’s life, for sure. 😉
    (Midway through the 16th anniversary of the same bday myself.)

    And I agree with what dveej says; life does seem to start anew in many ways…

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Luis
    June 8th, 2004 at 19:08 | #4

    Thanks, all! Actually, to be precise, I will turn 40 when it becomes 10:30 am PST (born in California). That would be, I believe, 2:30 a.m. tonight Tokyo time.

    And unfortunately, though my schedule this semester is fantastic (Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 to 6:15, plus office hours), the change comes as I begin my workweek–and this week I come to school on Wednesday for pre-registration advising, so no real break until Friday. So I will be postponing any special celebration for the weekend.

    Even at that, I’m not a person to celebrate birthdays much–probably just a nice dinner with a friend, a treat or two for myself, and a call from the folks. And, of course, some nice words from visitors to the site. :-) Thanks for that!

  5. Andrew
    June 8th, 2004 at 23:45 | #5

    40 – NICE!

    You’ve done some great things in that time, and man are you on a roll right now!

    Keep on truckin,

  6. June 9th, 2004 at 10:03 | #6

    Happy Birthday!

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