Unemployment Reaches 10.2%; Republicans Rejoice
Yayy!! Some new terrible-looking thing we can blame Obama for! Yayy!!!
Of course, the truth is, it was Bush. Remember when unemployment went double-digit last time, and it was Jimmy Carter’s fault? Oh, wait, no–unemployment fell under Carter, and didn’t hit 10% (almost 11%) until two years into Reagan’s term. Of course, Republicans hold him responsible for all those jobs lost, right? Um, well…. And of course, they recognize that unemployment spiked the last four times under Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43, yes? Um, maybe not….
Of course, I have long since abandoned any pretext of expecting right-wingers to use actual facts instead of claiming whatever bizarre, hypocritical fantasy that suits their purposes for the moment.
The facts are, the current unemployment rate is solidly a Bush artifact. Take a look at the figures–first, job losses:
See how those jobless figures were dropping under Bush, and then they suddenly shot up under Obama? Oh, wait–the chart’s data reflects the opposite. Well, that can’t be! Jobless figures plummeting right after Obama passed the stimulus bill? Impossible!
Maybe the Unemployment numbers tell the tale better:
There, you see? Unemployment has risen under Obama! Just never mind the fact that it started to rise a year earlier under Bush! Pay no attention to that! Nor to the fact that though job losses have dropped steadily under Obama, he had to work from a massive 700,000+ job less per month that Bush saddled him with, and still hasn’t reached job growth yet.
You can bet that Republicans will crow about this wonderf–er, horrible news for the next week, month, whatever, blaming Obama for it 100%. America failed again! Yayy!!!
Until, of course, the unemployment rate drops under 10% again and steadily goes down, at which time it will be the distant hand of George W. Bush doing all the work!
Since the government can’t solve the problem, it’s time the people start facing unemployment with their own ingenuity:
Or even George Bush senior himself 😛