Home > Political Ranting, The Lighter Side > Zapping Freepers

Zapping Freepers

June 25th, 2004

Go ahead and check this out–go down to the 9th post. It’s on the Free Republic forums site, a watering hole for rabid ultraconservatives, where on of their posters stole bandwidth by posting an image hosted on my site. This is the third time I get to zap people by altering the image on my own site, and that I get to make these right-wingnuts look foolish is icing on the cake.

Don’t know how long this one will stay up–Freepers will likely see it immediately and get the guy to revise the post, if the admins don’t get it. So hurry up and see!

Note: I just checked the other two sites I zapped before, and after weeks of having these altered images up on their sites–despite comments to the posts and recent activity on the sites–they haven’t changed things yet.

Also, I just archived the Freeper page, so if they change it I will post the archived version here on this site.

Categories: Political Ranting, The Lighter Side Tags: by
  1. Chris Mawer
    June 25th, 2004 at 17:38 | #1

    Oh, hee! Good one, Luis.

  2. Pat
    June 27th, 2004 at 09:25 | #2


  3. June 28th, 2004 at 02:48 | #3

    Wonderful. I gotta use that sometime!

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