Tired of Being Jerked Around Yet?
The above is an actual billboard located on I-35 near the town of Wyoming, Minnesota. It’s been garnering quite a bit of attention, and has become the new big gag among the right-wingers. Do a Google Image search of “Bush Miss Me” and you’ll see that it’s been reworked as one of those “motivational posters” and slapped on half the wingnut blogosphere.
Considering that half the stuff people are “tired” of are direct results of actions taken by the Bush administration, and the other half are the result of right-wing hysteria and Republican obstructionism, the suggestion of “missing” the Bush era is more akin to blackmail than a call to better times.
It’s like a kid who wants to sit in the front seat of the car on a family trip, and when he gets put in the back seat does nothing but scream, kick, and throw things until everyone else just gives up and gives him what he wants.
The difference is that with the punk kid, he eventually gets tired and shuts up.
I miss Clinton, and the $45 an hour, plus $14.50 an hour per diem,(that’s right, $59 an hour, but the per diem part was tax free) that I was making when Clinton stepped down from office.
By 2005, I could no longer get a job, doing anything, in America. I now make about a quarter of what I used to make. I haven’t been to a denstist since 2005. I haven’t been to a dermatoligist since 2004, so as far as I know, my face is harvesting skin cancer cells as I type (I had pre-cancer basil cells removed in 2001 – and am prone to skin cancer due to a red complex… the doctor’s words, not mine). Oh, and my bankruptcy hearing is on Thursday.
As Gandhi said, poverty is a form of violence, the worst kind.
Bush has inflicted this kind of violence on about 100 million Americans. Say nothing for his foreign policy and his positions on torture.
Heck of job, Bushie.
Hey, just come to live and work in Japan. Full medical here. I just had a series of X-rays taken to ascertain back pain issues–cost about $20 for the visit. I have two MRI’s (head and back) scheduled for next week, probably will cost around $100. Dental care is included, and is similarly cheap. Only cosmetic work is not covered. Quality of care is high, as is the equipment used (just choose your doctors/hospital right). The taxes are a bit high, but I’d bet it’s a lot less than you pay total for health care in the U.S. (outside of government-run programs like Medicare, for example). Government mandates insurance and controls prices.
When I got a serious nosebleed while traveling (w/o traveler’s insurance) a few years back, 3 visits to the hospital cost us $1500. Treatment was rudimentary (shoved some wadding and a few sticks up my nose, ouch). When I came back to Japan, the insurance program here agreed to pay for care outside Japan–but only at prices as set by the Japanese government for equivalent care. I believe the bill was about $200 ~ $250. Gives you an idea of how inflated U.S. health care costs are.
your story sounds like mine… never thought the USA would wind up this way…