Show Us the Money
Obama is doing the only really reasonable thing with the $1.4 million he’s getting in Nobel Prize winnings: he’s giving it to charities. The list:
— the Fisher House $250,000
— the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund $250,000
— the College Summit $125,000
— the Posse Foundation $125,000
— the United Negro College Fund $125,000
— the Hispanic Scholarship Fund $125,000
— the Appalachian Leadership and Education Foundation $125,000
— the American Indian College Fund $125,000
— AfriCare $100,000
— Central Asia Institute $100,000
As I thought about how it might have looked had he kept the money, what instantly came to mind was: Sarah Palin. Had she (so impossibly as to be hilarious) won the prize, she would have announced that she would give the money to charity, given no details about it, and then we would never hear about it again while she quietly pocketed the money. It’s gauche when a former politician whores around for any money they can get; for a hopeful politician to do so is pretty ugly.
Ugly, Luis.
There’s no profit in assuming the worst from who we consider bad actors.
And I won’t even refer to the “whore around” denotation.
But yeah, I do want to sell bumber stickers: “PALIN BECK 2012 — Go With The Mayans”
On the contrary, this is study of past action. Palin has shown a clear pattern of being money-hungry, promising to not be and then trying to take the dough in any case–ergo my characterization. It’s not assuming the worst, it’s applying what we know. Beck is the perfect sidekick for that example–pushing the idea of economic collapse almost like evangelists looking forward to the apocalypse, while at the same time selling gold to the sheep who follow him. Palin and Beck are both out for the fast buck, in the ugliest ways imaginable, and have no values when it comes to honesty and decency; I would consider my denotation a slap in the face to the oldest profession rather than the other way round. And as for that appellation regarding prostitution, dictionary synonyms include “sell out,” “debase,” “misuse,” “pervert,” and to “abandon one’s principles at the expense of something.” If the shoe fits. It is, in this sense, not a pejorative, but simply an accurately descriptive term.
ROFL. I laughed so hard my chair pawned me. Good one there
I do not “wear” bumper stickers but I would love this one. It is hilarious (and really sad if the Mayans are wrong).