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Toshiba Support Sucks

September 13th, 2004

As I mentioned before, the manual for the $1,000 machine I just bought comes nowhere near being informative enough to tell me how to operate the thing. After hours and hours of translating, reading, and fiddling around I worked out maybe half of the bare minimum to get the machine to function. So I have to resort to the support line. Except there’s a problem. I’ve been hitting “redial” every fifteen seconds for 45 minutes now, and every number Toshiba has for support–three different numbers–have been solidly busy since opening time. And when I called the main support line over the weekend, the same person answered each time, suggesting that they only had one person on staff to answer the phones. You plop down that much money for a machine, you’d think that they’d either put more effort into writing the manual, or hire a few extra people to answer the phone…

I don’t suppose there’s anyone out there with an RD-XS53 who could give me some tips?

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  1. Renata Matos
    January 8th, 2007 at 05:14 | #1

    I just purchased a toshiba laptop January 2nd and today, Jan 7th I already needed to call Toshiba technical support. I started the conversation with one problem (my computer was conected but my internet explorer was not working) and 2 hours later I had 3 (THREE) problems on my new machine. I still could not connect, they told me to restore so I lost all my information that they assured me I would not, and I have 2 extra error messages!!!!
    I will never by a toshiba again!!!!

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