Judgment Day Is Nigh
You may have heard, Judgment Day is coming. No terminators, apparently, but your Christian friends will be flying up into the air at 6:00 pm on May 21. Which time zone, you ask? All of them, apparently.
On May 21, “starting in the Pacific Rim at around the 6 p.m. local time hour, in each time zone, there will be a great earthquake, such as has never been in the history of the Earth,” he says. The true Christian believers–he hopes he’s one of them–will be “raptured”: They’ll fly upward to heaven.
Apparently, God will respect local authorities in their designation of time zones, even the ones set hours before and after others in the same longitude.
One has to wonder if the people publicly predicting this truly believe the rapture is coming or not. Some people are just that nutty. But it is easy to suspect people like this of manipulation; they may correctly believe that predicting the rapture, despite being eventually proved wrong, will draw adherents to their cause. The media loves goofy stories like these, so it’s great publicity for the people making the predictions.
Now, you might think that once May 21 passes and there’s no rapture, these people will get a huge black eye. However, you would be wrong. You might be thinking of scientists, who lose credibility when they predict something and it doesn’t happen. In the world of faith, things work differently. Remember, religious zealots disrespect scientists exactly because they change their beliefs depending upon prevailing facts. To the faithful, a wrong prediction is easily–in fact, automatically explained off as a “test” or in some other way. The yahoos predicting the end of the world–who have done this many, many times before–risk nothing in being wrong. They only have to worry about how much they gain.
Atheists are having fun with this, of course. Many post-Rapture parties are being planned for the hour after the predicted end of days. One enterprising atheist even started a business where, for a fee, he promised to take care of people’s pets after they ascend–presumably without their furry friends–to heaven. He’s dealt with this intelligently, in that he will not take the pets before the Rapture, but has promised that he or his agents across the U.S. will drive to the homes of those raptured within 24 hours after the event to collect the pets. He claims to already have 250 takers, which, frankly, is sad.
As tempting as it is to laugh at these people, there will be damage. Followers, made to believe that any doubt may win them an express ticket to hell, have interrupted life plans. One woman dropped out of medical school. A couple who apparently are not working as a result of this and are running out of money have no backup plan. It has caused rifts between families and friends. Doubtlessly many more people are going to be hurt by this in some way or another. But the people causing all of this will not pay the price–and the people hurt will probably find a way to keep believing in and respecting the ones who caused them harm.
Here is what I found on familyradio.com:
Jesus warned of several spiritual signs, such as the complete degradation of the Christian church, the devastating moral breakdown of society, the re-establishment of National Israel in1948, the emergence of the ‘Gay Pride Movement’, and the complete disregard of the Bible in all of society today as direct evidence of His return.
Wow, that’s all they have pointing to the May 21st? The “direct evidence” that the Bible is completely disregarded is not exactly a specific timeline. Apparently, some of us have completely disregarded it from the beginning and others still hold it in high regard. And where exactly does God come out against the Gay Pride Movement? I suppose only bigots and Republicans are allowed upstairs; no queers allowed. It’s not mentioned in my Bible anywhere…
These folks have a hopelessly distorted view of what God mandates.
I can only shake my head in wonderment about how self-absorbed and self-serving these self-proclaimed religious “leaders” have become, posing as the spokesmen of God. They make a mockery of what was once a fairly humanitarian, humble and inclusive faith.
It’s amazing they still have any religion left at all seeing how the words of God have been twisted around to meet their own purposes. All their worthy traits seem to have vanished; just this kind of radical, pointless nonsense left in its place…
They pick and choose what to believe in.
I would be proud of Christianity as a religion if it would just embrace Jesus’ commandment to separate politics from religion.
Religion is largely created in people’s own personal image. The best evidence of that we create god in our own images is when god hates the same people that we do.
Did anyone see the picture of the controversial billboard that was recently put up by another spiritual group near Family Radio’s headquarters? It directly challenges them about May 21. Here is a picture of it:
You can post images, BTW:
People who have a radio station where Jesus sings telling the Rapturists that they’re embarrassing everyone. That’s pretty good.
you made a very good decision diversifying your citizenship options.
Ohhh, I should have embraced Shintoism, but it is too far and too late. Luis, you are closer, grab the opportunity, you will be safe. Well, it seems logical the Rapture would apply only to the Christians.
My bad, I applied logic here.
Sorry, I could not resist the temptation.