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How Do I Look?

August 9th, 2004

The site, that is. I just fixed a stylesheet problem that should make the blog and the right-hand sidebar display correctly. But each browser (especially Explorer) has its quirks, and a web page will display differently on different computers, on different browsers (with different versions), and with the monitor set at different resolutions.

Unfortunately, most people (60% of the visitors here) still use Explorer, despite its flaws and lack of features, even despite the security flaws that constantly pop up to the extent that experts have warned everyone not to use it at all (PC World comments, “It’s hard to imagine that anyone would continue to use Internet Explorer faced as it is with such massive security issues”). But Microsoft owns the desktop, and they put Explorer there, so people use it for no better reason that it’s the only one there. (Honestly, Mozilla / Firefox are far superior and easy as pie to download and install, from Mozilla.org.)

So most people use Explorer, but many use Mozilla/Firefox, a good number use Safari, and the rest use Netscape, opera and a few other odd third-party browsers. Some people have large monitors set to higher resolutions, some still use a 600 x 800 setting; some people use Windows PCs, and the rest of us use Macs. Which means that your web page has to be designed specifically to fit each and every one of those combinations.

This site will always be best-optimized for Mozilla/Firefox, but I try to make it fit as many conditions as possible.

So let me know: does the site display poorly for you? You should be able to see the sidebar at right, with the Linkboard, the “Best of” list, calendar and other links; all the text should be visible, not obscured or shifted askew, not unduly large or tiny.

If something is displaying wrong or poorly, please add a comment and let me know, and kindly include your platform (Mac or PC), OS version, the browser you’re using, the browser version, and if you know it, your screen resolution (e.g. 1280 x 854).

Your help is much appreciated!

Categories: BlogTech Tags: by
  1. August 9th, 2004 at 23:18 | #1

    WinXP, 1024×768, Firefox 0.9.2, and it all looks fine to me.

    But the fact is that I read it mostly with SharpReader, an RSS client. :)

  2. August 10th, 2004 at 12:22 | #2

    Your “best of” LIs seem to line up right against the left edge of div.side in Firefox 0.9.3 on Fedora Core 2 at 1280×1024.

  3. August 11th, 2004 at 01:21 | #3

    Seems to be fine, Opera 7.54 on Windows 2000 SP4 (at 1280×1024).

  4. Saeed
    August 11th, 2004 at 13:28 | #4

    The Best of BfAD dots looks like it should be moved a little bit to the right.
    I’m on Windows XP SP1, Opera 7.51, res 1024*768

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