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Bush Pioneer

August 18th, 2003

The cause of the major blackout in the eastern United States is being tracked down to Ohio.

Ohio’s power company is First Energy, headed by Tony Alexander.

Tony Alexander is a “Bush Pioneer,” a major fundraiser for the Bush administration and a member of the Bush-Cheney Energy Transition team.

First Energy also has just lost a lawsuit filed by the Clinton Administration for violating the Clean Air Act.

Bush calls the blackout a “wake-up call” to modernize the energy grid. One citizen asked, “what were the California brownouts, a snooze button?” But Johnny-come-lately accusations aside, who will pay for the modernization, and who will take the blame and pay reparations for the damage? Bet it’s not the Bush fundraiser.

Is Ken Lay in jail yet? Nope. He’s enjoying his money quite nicely, thank you, President Bush.

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