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Caveat Emptor

October 8th, 2007

Jeez. I bought a bike lock about 9 months ago. For most of that time, I didn’t even use it, and it never got left out in the rain, ever. I just started using the bike and its lock once or twice a week in the last month or two. And just a few days ago, I heard some rattling around in there.

Then yesterday, when I unlocked it, it literally came apart in my hands. That is, the guts spilled out of the keyhole. And this I bought in Inagi, where the round trip train fare alone would cost more than just buying a new lock.

0907-Broken Lock

Goes to show: you never can fully trust an unknown quantity, just ’cause it looks good on the shelf.

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  1. Gaius
    October 13th, 2007 at 12:56 | #1

    Did you know that “Bull Lock” or “Bullok” means spoiled in Tagalog? (As in spoiled food, thought we tend to use it on things too ^^) Just an fyi…

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