You Go Too Far
Amazing. One can fully expect Republicans to attack Obama in the most hideous terms possible, but to disrespect the office of the president at an event of the highest order in our government? A Republican actually had the gall to heckle the president during an address to Congress. Representative Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) actually shouted “You Lie!” during Obama’s address, when Obama called out the lie that the bill before Congress would not grant health care to illegal immigrants.
In case you were wondering, it was Wilson who lied; Obama was 100% correct. In fact, the bill not only does not give illegal aliens health care, it specifically forbids exactly that.
Yes, I know this is humdrum stuff in countries like the U.K., but in the U.S., it violates protocol to an aggressive degree. It was bad enough that Congressmen sported signs on their laps in protest of what the president said, but the shouting during the speech went far beyond the acceptable grumbling or even booing we’ve had in the past. As outrageous as right-wing activity has been at late, from high-level politicians fabricating outright lies to protesters shouting down disabled people and bringing assault rifles to town hall meetings and bearing presidential death threats–this behavior by Congressional Republicans goes even further, considering the sacrosanct nature of the event and the venue itself. One can only wonder to what they will sink to next.
John McCain at least had the decency to call out Wilson, demanding that he apologize; however, McCain (who hurled far worse epithets at Obama on the campaign trail) nor any other Republican gets an ounce of credit for such criticism–indeed, any Republican who doesn’t take a dim view of what Wilson did deserves criticism themselves. After all, take into consideration how they would have reacted had a Democrat shouted that to Bush, even if it was fully and richly deserved.
If Republicans want to set a proper tone, then they themselves will call for a vote of censure against Wilson. I doubt, however, that they have that much class.
Update: After a great deal of pressure, Wilson apologized, claiming that he let his “emotions get the best of” him. Andrew Sullivan (amongst many others) points out that even in the British Parliamentary system, where shouting during a PM’s address is common, saying “You lie!” is not allowed, and could result in suspension. Back in the U.S., the right wing blogosphere is hailing Wilson as a hero, maintaining the falsehood (confirmed as false by that illegal aliens will be covered at taxpayer expense. On the other side of the aisle, Rob Miller, Wilson’s Democratic opponent, raised $200,000 overnight (average donation: $40); Wilson beat Miller in the last election by the smallest margin in the district in 20 years, and could lose his seat next year over this. And Wilson wasn’t the only Republican showing disrespect; in addition to the lap-signage mentioned above, Republican John Shimkus walked out on the speech just before it ended.
“Fake it until you make it”
They really seem to believe in this tactic…