
September 12th, 2009

It’s time for Aki Matsuri, or Fall Festivals in Japan. I have noticed the lanterns going up around shrines, and this afternoon a couple of omikoshi (portable shrines) were carried along the streets by a few groups of kids with their families and community volunteers. I can still hear the double whistle-blows coming from a distance as the groups continue to cover the neighborhood streets. Think of it as kind of a Japanese version of street caroling.

For a taste of Japanese street revelry, play the sound file (hopefully you can see it) while checking out the photos I took from the 21st floor as they passed by on the street below.

9129 Festival-01

9129 Festival-02

9129 Festival-03

Categories: Focus on Japan 2009 Tags: by
  1. September 13th, 2009 at 02:21 | #1

    If I were you I would head over to Kishibojin for the Matsuri Oct ~17

  2. Hachi Gatsu
    September 14th, 2009 at 03:11 | #2

    When I was there, our group went to Harajuku for some sight seeing and stumbled upon some of the shrines being run through there. I was able to snap some shots.

    I didn’t realize it was that day otherwise I would have kept a closer eye out.

  3. Andrew
    September 15th, 2009 at 13:32 | #3

    Did you know that traditionally it is considered sacrilegious to look out of one’s upper-floor window down on the mikoshi? Don’t worry, everybody does it 😉

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